Join us between 5 and 7pm to make up a workout you missed during the past week. Your choices are:
- 5 rounds for time of 5 muscle ups, 5 burpee bar jumps, 20 deadlifts (135/95#)
- “Isabel” – 30 snatches for time (135/95#)
- Banded box front squat, then Death by 10 yards (see Tuesday’s post for more details)
- 100 single unders, 90 mtn climbers, 80 squats, 70 sit ups, 60 push press (75/55#), 50 KBS (53/35#), 40 walking lunge, 30 push ups, 20 backwards wall balls, 10 pull ups
Remember we are also running a Goal Setting Workshop from 6:30-7:30pm. It’s not a lecture but a chance to brainstorm goals, talk them through with a coach, and commit to them by posting them to our goals board! Hope to see you all there!
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It sounds like we have a big group forming to do the chipper from yesterday (WOD #4)… Lindsey, Sara, Kevin, Jimbo, maybe Emily and Craig? Are you all shooting for 5pm?
YEP! You know it!
I’m still under the weather with the flu. Hopefully I’ll be in by friday/saturday.
Kev and I will be in at 5!
I’m in for 5pm as well! 🙂
Results from make up day
The chipper:
Lindsey 22:22 (45, 20, 10 P+B)
Craig 18:18 Rx
Jim 18:50 (44, black)
Laurie 19:57 (45, 20, 10)
Natalie 22:01 (1/2 reps, 35, 26, 6, JPU)
Kevin 21:00 Rx
Killa (no posted time) Rx
Kim 3:31 (45#)
Kevin 4:34 Rx
Joe – back squat 295, Death by 10m – 16 rds