Daily WOD – Jan 9, 2012

Craig's 405 pull!

Strength:  Sumo Deadlift 5-3-3-2-1-1

Assistance:  400m sled drag (30% of your 1RM Sumo Deadlift)

Skill:  20L/20R Kettlebell Power Clean & Jerk


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In for the 5 pm class!!

  2. Mark

    See ya at 5

  3. Joe

    In at 5 also.

  4. Nikki

    Thanks guys, I signed you up!

  5. Sarg

    really excited for the sumo!!

  6. Nikki

    Results from tonight:
    Killa 225
    Natalie 200
    Joe 365 (PR!)
    Kev 407 (PR!)
    Nikki 225
    Mike 260
    Lindsey 215
    Emily 175
    Karen 235 (30lb PR!)
    Mark 405 (20lb PR!)
    Laurie 155
    Craig 405 (first dead)
    Phil 415 (PR!)
    Morgan 155
    Nick 255
    Joe 325 (PR!)
    Dan 365 (30lb PR!)
    John C 215
    Cari 205
    Kim 205

    So many great things about tonight I dont know where to start! 7 HUGE PRs and some fantastic numbers put up by our first time deadlifters! Plus, we had 12 people in 5pm class and 8 people at 6pm… it looks like we’re adding the 4:30/5:30/6:30 just in time. Thanks for a great night all. Rest up and get ready for some more fun tomorrow,.

  7. Cragle

    Kept it light @ O’Neill’s tonight (due to situational issues):
    Scott 235
    Cragle 265
    Nice job by the ICA crew. The programming is producing very evident results. Well done.

  8. John

    Holy hell Phil, that is an impressive first sumo!

    1. Kevin

      Haha, that’s what I told Sara. That’s sick, Phil!

  9. Laurie

    Holy crap, you guys are strong!! Kudos to you all. I’ll get there someday. Awesome class as usual, Nikki and John. Thanks!

    1. Nikki

      You’ll get there, and my bet is you’ll get there fast! My first max deadlift (2.5 years ago) was 115#, and my back rounded! My coach dropped me back to 95#. It was mortifying seeing all the other women deadlifting 200+ pounds. Within a year and a half I was able to deadlift 265#. Keep at it and it will come!

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