Daily WOD – Jan 30, 2012

Phil fighting through today's beastly WOD as Rx!

Complete for time:

  • Row 500m
  • 21-15-9 of thruster (135/95#) and ring dip
  • Run 400m

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    See you at 4:30!

  2. Lindsey

    Is it 21-15-9 of ring dips too??

    1. Nikki

      Yes, row and run once, but 21-15-9 of thruster and ring dip

  3. Joe

    Good thing I rested today, this looks awful. I’ll be in at 4:30.

  4. Jimbo

    This workout is going to be hell!

  5. Kevin

    The thing I like about this one the most is that eventually it ends. I hope I make it there.

  6. Nikki

    Results from tonight:
    John 11:33 Rx
    Lindsey 17:06 (45, band)
    Joe 16:30 (115)
    Mike S 16:33 (115)
    Natalie 20:40 (45, paralette)
    Denny 19:20 (63, band)
    Gunter 19:28 (65, band)
    Nick 17:00 (75)
    Craig 20:08 (115, DC ring dip)
    Karen 18:05 (75, Green)
    Phil 22:44 Rx (maaaybe didn’t lock out every one…. but DC!)
    Kevin 24:32 Rx
    Laurie 16:31 (55, dumbbell sub)
    Mike K 20:53 (85, band)
    Frank 18:57 (75, band)
    Nikki 16:15 Rx
    Cari 17:28 (65, mf)

  7. Killa

    Sooo excited to say that I got an email from Mike tonight! He said he’s going to start following ICA’s programming while in Afghanistan…told me to keep an eye on the blog bc he will post his “blazing times” when/if he can hahaha, his words exactly! 🙂

  8. Cragle

    Results from ONeills:
    Scott 18:00 (95#)
    Cragle 15:18 (115#)

  9. Kevin

    Way to get it, Phil!

  10. John

    Thats awesome news Killa, can’t wait to see what he does from overseas! Nice work over at the garage, I bet this was a cold one.

  11. Jimbo

    Looks like make-up thursday is going to be a rough one if I choose this workout!

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