Daily WOD – Jan 31, 2012
This Post Has 6 Comments
In and I am pumped for this one!!
Now this is something to get excited about. I hope my body is working tomorrow.
O’Neill’s Garage Results…
Spotts 14:12 (12 rds)
Spence 14:35 (12 rds)
Barb 17:22 (12 rds, 3 pullups no band)
Results from tonight (time / tabata sit up score)
Jim B 10:40 (6rds of 3-6-9) / 5
Lindsey 8:45 (P+B) / 12
Joe 8:58 (12 rds) / 8
Mike S 8:37 / 7
Nick 9:50 (pull/push ROM) / 10
John 9:31 (12 rds) / 7
Sarg 9:58 (P+B) / 10
Emily 9:41 (G) / 11
Chris C 15:09 (9 rds + 8) / 10
Killa 13:09 / 14 (anchored)
Mike K 10:19 (DC push ROM) / 10
John C 13:10 (ring row) / no tabata
Phil 15:09 (12 rds) / 6
Kevin 13:25 (12 rds) / 10
Jimbo 12:57 / 8
Happy birthday to John Cuenca – it was great having you visit us tonight!
From home: 15:03, dead hang 12 rounds…hope to get in shape for the open!
Nice job Buzby!!