Fun Friday Assistance Day!
Buy in: 30 burpees for time
Then: Complete the following, in any order, not for time:
- 4 gym lengths banded lateral walk
- 20R/20L one-legged KB Romanian deadlifts
- 100 abmat sit ups (or 50 GHD)
- 100 abmat back extensions (or 50 GHD)
You can use any remaining time to work on goals!
This Post Has 4 Comments
This sounds fun!!! In for the breakfast club!!
Burpee results
Nick 1:25
Lindsey 1:36
Mike S 1:20
Steph 3:33 (having flashbacks of her first WOD!)
stupid burbees….
barb 2:15
Donna 2:45
Afternoon results
Frank 2:13
Dan 1;37
Nicole S 1:50
Cari 1;19
Gunter 1:21
john 0:49
Mark 0:51
Chris 1:14
Killa 1:15
Karen 1:27
Miller 1:20
Morgan 1:37
Mike K 1:10