Daily WOD – Jan 23, 2012

Joe at 225

Announcement – If the paved parking spots along Wheatland Street are full, consider parking in the gated parking lot on the side or back of the building. The gates stay open until 8pm, and the lots are paved and plowed!  If you park on the side (near the baseball field), enter the door where we placed our A-frame ICA sign. If you park in back, you’ll enter on the floor below us. Take the stairs to the 2nd floor and turn right!

Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2


7 rounds of 7 ring push ups & 7 front squat (95/65#)

WOD Notes: The sub for ring push ups will be hand-release push ups.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Joe McGonigal!


This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Sarg

    Front squats! Yesssss!

  2. Lindsey

    In for 4:30!! Happy Birthday Joe- can’t wait to celebrate with front squats!!! 🙂

  3. Mark

    Happy Birthday Joseph!

    In for 5:30!

  4. Killa

    Happy Birthday Joe!!! Can’t wait to give you your present tomorrow…extra heckling on front squats! 😉

  5. Joe

    Front squats for my birthday…..you shouldn’t have. I am hoping to be in at 4:30. Have been under the weather, but hoping tomorrow is my bounce back day.

  6. John

    We thought you might not be thrilled about the squats but at least we gave you some pushups. Happy Birthday Joe!

  7. Eric

    Happy birthday Joe!

  8. jimbo

    Happy birthday Joe! Hoping to get 12 days of christmas for my birthday!

  9. Kevin

    Happy Birthday, Joe! Like John said, it’s not the front squats, it’s the ring pushups that make the day.

  10. Dan

    Happy Birthday Joe!

  11. Nicole

    Happy birthday Joe!!!

  12. Sarg

    happy birthday joe!

  13. Emily

    Happy Birthday Joe!
    I’m in for 4:30

  14. Morgan

    Happy Birthday Joe! I hope you are having a great day!

  15. Joe

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

  16. Nikki


    Joe 225 (BIG PR) 4:20 (RX)
    Gunter 145, 6:05 (65)
    Craig 200 (ROM), 6:24 (95, ROM)
    Nick 155 (ROM), 6:12 (75 ROM)
    Lindsey 95 (form), 7:04 (45, knees)
    Emily 75 (ROM) 6:58 (35, knees)
    Natalie 75 (ROM) 7:51 (35, bench)
    Mark 195, 5:29 Rx
    Killa 175, 9:37 DC (snake)
    Phil 245, 4:58 Rx
    Nikki 163, 4:30 Rx
    Mike 175, 9:01 DC pushups
    Laurie 113, 6:33 (53, DC pushups)
    Dan 215 7:02 (Hand release pushups)
    Joe Miller 175 8:32 (85, Ring knees)
    Cari 115 7:01 Rx
    Morgan 105, 7:35 (50, Ring knees)

  17. Cragle

    Results from the OG:
    Scott 175, 7:15
    Cragle 225, 5:37

  18. Joe

    Today was one of my biggest accomplishments at ICA. Now I can feel free to show up on Front Squat days. Woohooo!

    1. Nikki

      I second that Joe! 225#, below parallel, with weight in heels. It was a birthday miracle! Great work

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