31Heroes 2024 – Event Info!

31Heroes 2023

ICA’s 14th Annual 31Heroes WOD & 13th Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, September 15, 2024! 

13 years ago, on August 6, 2011, 30 Americans and 1 military K9 lost their lives when their helicopter was downed in Afghanistan. This tragedy happened only days after ICA opened its doors, and it has become our annual fundraising mission. Each year since 2011 we’ve hosted the 31Heroes WOD and fundraiser to honor these fallen heroes and raise money to support their families and others in the veteran community suffering from TBI and PTSD.


In teams of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 31 minutes of:

  • 200m wreck bag run
  • Thrusters
  • Rope climbs (scales: pull ups or ring rows)
  • Box jumps

WOD Notes: While teammate #1 is running, #2 is completing thrusters, #3 is doing rope climbs and #4 is jumping.  When the runner returns, everyone moves forward one station. The team’s score is the total number of thrusters, rope climbs and box jumps completed in 31 minutes. The rope climb scale is pull ups or ring rows, where every 5 reps counts as 1 rope climb. (It’s also okay to not count reps and just go hard for 31 minutes – that’s what most teams do!)

  • Level 1 = 50# wreck bag, 155# thruster, 30″ box
  • Level 2 = 35# wreck bag, 103# thruster, 24″ box
  • Level 3 = 35# wreck bag, 65# thruster, 20″ box
  • Level 4 = 20# wreck bag, 35# thruster, 16″ box

All team members share a sandbag, thruster bar, and box. Team members who are not comfortable thrustering their team’s weight can use a pair of dumbbells or power clean instead.

Fundraising / Donations

Every year since 2011 we’ve been among the top fundraisers in the WORLD for the 31Heroes organization. Help us keep our legacy alive by donating to our team! There are 3 ways you can contribute:

  1. Donate directly to our team page: https://www.classy.org/team/592517. A donation of $31 (or more) will get you a 31Heroes tank or t-shirt (mailed to you directly by 31Heroes). *To be eligible for a shirt, donations are due by Aug 31!*
  2. Sign up as an individual fundraiser! You can earn some cool gear depending on your fundraising totals. Go to our team page (linked above) and click the “Join Team” button. Prizes are listed here.
  3. Make a cash donation in person at the live event (no t-shirt or prizes).

While donations of any amount are appreciated, you are not required to make a donation in order to work out with us on September 15!


ICA members: Register via the members app under the Events tab. (Schedule–>Events). Cost is free!

  • IMPORTANT: Signing up in the app registers you for the event, but we still need to put together teams! We’ll have Level Sign Up Sheets at the gym where you can add your name to your desired level (1, 2, 3, or 4). You can sign up as a full 4-person team, as a pair of 2, or as a free agent, and we’ll match you up with a team.

Guests: We love having guests at this event! If you simply want to spectate and cheer, you do not need to register. If you want to participate in the WOD, please register here and then email us at ironcrossathletics@gmail.com with your preferred level (1, 2, 3 or 4).

ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES SEPTEMBER 8 to give us time finalize heats and teams! 


  • 7:30 – Gym opens
  • 8:00 – Opening Remarks
  • 8:20 – Heat 1
  • 9:00 – Heat 2
  • 9:40 – Heat 3
  • 10:20 – Group Photo in the Parking Lot
  • 10:30 – Heat 4
  • 11:10 – Heat 5
  • 11:45 – PARKING LOT PARTY! We’ll provide pizza & wings; BYO beverages and snacks to share!

We will release heat assignments a few days before the event. If you have a specific heat request, please note that on the Level Sign Up Sheets. We will do our best to accommodate, but we cannot promise specific heat times!


The parking lot will be closed for athlete and spectator safety. Please park along Jefferson Street, on the northeast side of the building, or across Bridge Street at the Oakwood Apartments.

Parking Lot Party

Bring your canopies, folding chairs, and yard games to create a “tent city” in the parking lot! During the event, we’ll have water and snacks available for participants. Around 11:45 we’ll serve up some wings and pizza. Please bring snacks, food, desserts, and beverages to share… including cold, adult beverages if desired!

Special Note

Remember that our annual 31Heroes event is a fundraiser, not a competition. The focus of the day is honoring the 31Heroes, enjoying a grueling workout with 100+ of your closest friends, and celebrating our incredible community of fitness!

Thank you for your support of the 31Heroes! We can’t wait to workout, fundraise, and celebrate with you all! 

Daily WOD – Jun 3, 2013

Thanks to all our ICA supporters at the Rumble this weekend!
Thanks to all our ICA supporters at the Rumble this weekend!

“Regionals Event 7”

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 2 rope climbs
  • 100ft sprint
  • 4 cleans (225/135 NTE 85%)
  • 100ft sprint

WOD Notes:  We will be trying to do all of this year’s regionals WODs over the course of the next two months.  Event 7 was the final event this year.  For a list of the WODs and the world wide leaderboard, click here.

Community Notes:  Congratulations to everyone who completed the Tough Mudder this weekend!  Happy Birthday Hilary!! And, happy belated bday (June 2) to one of our newest members – Ben!

Sunday Football WOD – Jun 2, 2013

Complete 4 rounds, with 1 minute at each station:

  • Sit up med ball throws (20/14#)
  • Push ups
  • Ring rows
  • Banded good mornings (G/P)

WOD Notes: You will get a 1 minute rest between rounds. Med ball throws are completed by starting in a sit up position with the ball extended overhead. Sit up violently throwing the ball against the wall (targeting 6 feet up) and repeat. Feet may be anchored if desired. **If in doubt, scale your wall ball weight! This motion puts a lot of strain on the shoulder, and we expect only the strongest athletes to be able to use the Rx weights safely!** The Rx ring row requires the athlete to start with shoulder blades just off the floor, and end with your chest touching your hands. Everyone will rotate in the above order, but not everyone will start at the same station. SCORING – You will record one number for each station… the round you got the LOWEST number of reps!

Class notes: Because there are limited spaces available on Sundays, please only sign up if you know you can come. If you get a waitlist spot, show up for class. 90% of the time we’ll be able to accommodate the waitlist athletes.

Daily WOD – Jun 1, 2013

Mike "Go Big or Go Home" Levy (with the 70# KB!)
Mike “Go Big or Go Home” Levy (with the 70# KB!)

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 5R/5L one leg box jumps (20/16″)
  • 10R/10L one handed Russian KBS (53/35#)
  • 50R/50L one leg single unders

Community Notes: Congrats to Ron on his wedding day!  Also, good luck to the teams at the South Philly Rumble – ICA Team A: Dani, Lindsey, Chamberlain, John.  ICA Team 1: Jenn, Tiana, Phil and Craig.

Reminder: There is no 11 a.m. class today.

June Schedule & Announcements


Here are some important announcements and dates for June:

  • We are cancelling the Saturday 11:00am class for the summer due to low attendance. We hope this is not too much of an inconvenience for anyone! The class was initially added due to high attendance during the Open season, and no longer appears to be needed. Please remember, any time there is a strength WOD programmed on a Saturday (which occurs about every other week), athletes are welcome to attend the 8am Barbell Club and complete the WOD at that time!
  • June 6 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Kehl
  • June 8/9 – Mid-Atlantic Regional competition in Landover, MD
  • June 15 – OPEN GYM! 8am – 11am. In lieu of regular classes this Saturday, we will be open for 3 hours for athletes to come in and work on ANYTHING you want! It’s a great chance to work on goals or do a Hero or Benchmark WOD you’ve been thinking about. In addition, we will host two skills clinics during this time. Muscle ups from 10:00-10:30, and kipping pull-ups from 10:30-11:00am.
  • June 20 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Kehl
  • June 29 – CrossFit 717’s Battle of the Pike. Each athlete completes 3 WODs; cost is $60. Registration ends June 16. For more details click HERE.

Daily WOD – May 31, 2013

Welcome Russ!
Welcome Russ!

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


8×50 yd sled drag (40-50% SDC)

WOD Notes:  The thruster must be cleaned off the floor.  The SDC (sled drag coefficient) is your bodyweight plus your 1 rep max deadlift.  Compare thruster to 121108.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Kehl!!!

Make Up Day – May 30, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up the last 6 workouts. This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 4 rounds for time of 5 muscle ups and 30s L-sits
  2. Snatch balance 3-2-1-1 then Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  3. Complete 4 round of 6 cycles with dumbbells of HPC, front squat, push press, L lunge, R lunge
  4. “Murph” – 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run
  5. Banded box back squat 12×2 then 30 weighted box jumps NFT
  6. Partner interval AMRAP in 15 minutes of 5R/5L DB snatch, 10 yd run, wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 10 yd run


Daily WOD – May 29, 2013

Mickey and Ginger flying through snatches!
Mickey and Ginger flying through snatches!

Partner Interval AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 5R/5L DB power snatch
  • 10 yd run
  • 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 10 yd run

WOD Notes:  Partner 1 will complete one full round while partner 2 rests, then switch.  Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.  The weight for the DB power snatch should be heavy but consecutive (athletes should not have to put it down).

Daily WOD – May 27, 2013

LT Michael Murphy
LT Michael Murphy


Complete for time:

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull ups
  • 200 push ups
  • 300 squats
  • 1 mile run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.  See a summary of the story of Lt. Michael Murphy here.

WOD Notes: We are performing this hero WOD today in honor of all the men and women who have died serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The WOD must start and end with the run, but you can split up the pull ups, push ups, and squats as desired. (Most people do 20 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats.) This workout calls for a 20# weight vest for guys and 10# for girls, but we have a limited number of weight vests available so they will be first come first serve.

If you plan to do full Murph, it usually takes about an hour.  A good scale for this workout is to complete exactly half of the distances and reps. (800m run, 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 800m run.) This scale usually takes 20-40 minutes. Compare results to last Memorial Day 120527.

Schedule Notes: We are open from 9:00am-11:30am tomorrow, but we are running the WOD in heats. Please sign up for a time slot and plan on arriving by that time; we’ll kick off the heat about 15 minutes later. The last group will kick off at 10:45. If you sign up for this group, please choose a scale that will allow you to finish by 11:30.

Sunday Football WOD – May 26, 2013


Complete 4 rounds (for max weight, not for time). Each round consists of 6 cycles of:

  • DB hang power clean
  • DB front squat
  • DB push press
  • DB lunge right
  • DB lunge left

WOD Notes: Rest as needed between rounds. Do not set the weight down during the 6 times through the cycle. Perform the lunges with the DBs in the rack position.

Daily WOD – May 24, 2013

Welcome Jon (aka JK)!
Welcome Jon (aka JK)!


Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 5 muscle ups
  • 30 second L-sit hold

WOD Notes:  Scale for muscle ups will be 2 toes to bar and 2 push ups per muscle up.  Make the movements as hard as you can do to simulate the exertion of a muscle up.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jackie T. and Art, this time it’s for real!!

Schedule Note: There will be no 11:00am class next Saturday, June 1. Please plan to attend the 9am or 10am class if you want to WOD that day!

Make Up Day – May 23, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2 then weighted ring dip 5-5-5-5
  2. Complete 3 rounds for time of 75 DU, 15 strict pull ups, 400m run
  3. EMOM for 12 minutes of 10 KBS (70, 53#), 60 yd shuttle run
  4. Sumo deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 then 10 hill sprints
  5. Complete 3 rounds for time of 15 thrusters (135/95# NTE 70%) 15 box jumps (30/24″)
  6. 200 burpees for time

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jackie T. and Art!!  Oops, this was for Friday, happy early birthday!

Daily WOD – May 22, 2013

Love the enthusiasm!
Love the enthusiasm!
Welcome Wendi!
Welcome Wendi!

Yay Burpees!

  • Beginner: Complete 100 burpees for time
  • Intermediate: Complete 150 burpees for time
  • Advanced: Complete 200 burpees for time

WOD Notes:  We can scale the number of burpees to 150 or 100 depending on your love of burpees.  There will be a 25 minute time cap on this WOD.  Compare to 111129.

Daily WOD – May 20, 2013


Sumo-deadlift 3-3-3-3-3


10 hill sprints

Community Notes: Happy birthday Craig!!!

Memorial Day Note: We split the May 27 Murph WOD into 4 time slots – 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, and 10:30am. Whichever slot you sign up for, plan on arriving by that time and kicking off 15 minutes later. (The 9:00 slot will kick off at 9:15, the 9:30 slot will kick off at 9:45, etc…) The purpose is to relieve congestion and give people a group to start with and push against. The last group will kick off at 10:45. If you sign up for this group, ensure you choose a scale that will allow you to finish up by 11:30.

Sunday Football WOD – May 19, 2013

Big turnout for our first CF Football WOD!

EMOM for 12 minutes:

  • 10 KB Swings (70/53#)
  • 60 yd shuttle run

WOD Notes: If any minute you fail to complete the full round, the WOD turns into an AMRAP. You’ll keep going and see how many rounds you can complete in the remaining amount of time.

About Sunday Football WODs: For many of us, Sundays mean one thing – FOOTBALL! Now that’s true at ICA too, starting tomorrow with our first ever Sunday Football WOD. Every week we’ll select a workout from CrossFitFootball.com and post it as the workout of the day. These WODs are designed to build strength, speed, and explosive power. We’ll do our best to ensure the Sunday Football WOD doesn’t interfere (too much) with our regular weekly programming. For folks on a 2x/week membership, Sundays are considered the last day in the week, not the first.

Local Events & Opportunities!

Get involved in the CrossFit community! Here are some upcoming opportunities to work out, cheer, judge, and compete!

  • WORK OUT – May 18 – CrossFit Rage First Anniversary Celebration. Opening remarks at 9:15am, Beginner WOD at 9:30, Advanced WOD at 11:00. Lunch will be provided! WOD details posted under comments.
  • JUDGE – May 26 – CrossFit King of Prussia is looking for L1 CrossFit trainers to help judge at a large scale Teen competition. Judges can do the whole day (8:30-3:00pm) or a half day (8:30-12:30p or 12:30p-3:00pm). Contact Steph Vincent at stephanie@radicalhateloss.com to volunteer. You must have your CrossFit L1.
  • CHEER – June 1 – Head down to CrossFit South Philly to cheer on ICA at the South Philly Rumble! We’ll have two teams competing – John, Chamberlain, Lindsey, Dani and Craig, Phil, Tiana, Jenn.
  • COMPETE – June 29 – CrossFit 717 (Lemoyne PA) is hosting a huge PA event – Battle of the Pike. Each athlete will compete in 3 WODs; the cost to register is $60. More details HERE.

Make Up Day – May 16, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. 3 rounds, each for time: 10L/10R KB snatch (53/35#), 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 20 pullups, 20 OHS (65/45#)
  2. Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then EMOM for 8 minutes of 2 cleans (85%)
  3. “Helen” – 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 KBS (53/35#), 12 pullups
  4. Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 5×3 weighted barbell lunges
  5. Complete  42-30-18 reps for time of deadlifts (135/95# NTE 40%) and vertical jumps (16/12″)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Maggie Reed!!


Daily WOD – May 15, 2013


Complete 42-30-18 reps for time of:

  • Deadlift (135/95#, NTE 40% 1RM)
  • Vertical jump (16/12″)

WOD Notes: Anyone figure out the rep scheme? There are a lot of deadlifts today, so be sure to pick a weight where you can execute every lift with perfect form! Do not exceed 35-40% of your 1RM.

Daily WOD – May 13, 2013

Color coordinated couple Kerri and Stuart!

3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 21 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups

WOD Notes: Helen is a benchmark WOD, and the fastest athletes can finish in under 10 minutes! (Chris Spealler boasts a 6:56!) Compare to 120807.

Rest Day – May 12, 2013

Shetland 2010

Thanks for another great week at ICA.  Rest up and enjoy your weekend!

Schedule Notes:  Next Sunday is our first “CrossFit Football Sunday!”  We’ll hold one class only – at 10am. Every week John and Nikki will pick a workout from CrossFitFootball.com and post it to the blog. If you’re not familiar with CF Football, their WODs are known for being short, heavy, and brutal!

Daily WOD – May 10, 2013


3 rounds each for time of:

  • Kettlebell power snatch 10L/10R (53/35#)
  • Wall ball 20 reps (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Pull ups (10 reps beginner, 20 reps advanced)
  • Overhead squat 20 reps (65/45#)

WOD Notes:  Each round should be hard and fast! You’ll get a few minutes to recover between rounds. Pick weights and rep schemes that will allow you to minimize your breaks. (Translation: try to do each movement consecutively!)

Other Notes: We need a final headcount for CrossFit Rage’s first anniversary celebration. It’s next Saturday May 18th. Read the details HERE and post to comments if you’re in!!

Make Up Day – May 9, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Shoulder press 8×3 (85%) then tabata partner leg tosses
  2. AMRAP in 18 minutes of 50 double unders, 20 front squats (95/65#), 10 ring dips
  3. Run 5k
  4. Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5 then max consecutive wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  5. Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of push ups (men clapping), situps, hang power cleans (95/65#) and 1 rope climb after each round

Daily WOD – May 6, 2013

Welcome Hilary!
Welcome Hilary!
Congrats to T for winning her strongwoman competition!
Congrats to T for winning her strongwoman competition!

Run 5k for time

WOD Notes: Start by re-reading this post on cherry picking, then come join us tomorrow for a beautiful spring run! The 5k will be  6 laps of our 800m course plus a 200m run. Compare to 121003. We’ll have several options to scale/modify this WOD: (1) Up to 5 people per class may sub a 5k or 2k row; (2) Scale to a 1 or 2 mile run as needed.

Community Notes:  HUGE congratulations to Kevin and Sara who got engaged over the weekend! We couldn’t be happier for you!!

May Schedule & Announcements

May 2013

It’s May! Mark your calendars for these important dates!

  • May 2 – Stretching and Mobility, 6pm
  • May 3 – Join us at our first Friday 12:00 class!
  • May 16 – Stretching and Mobility, 6pm
  • May 18 – CF Rage 1st anniversary. Click HERE for more details. Head count will be due May 11.
  • May 19 – First SUNDAY class!!!! We are starting a class on Sundays at 10am. Stay tuned for more details.
  • May 27 – Memorial Day – All regular classes are cancelled. Join us between 9am and 11:30am to honor our heroes with the ultimate Hero WOD – MURPH. Weight vests will be first come first serve. 
  • May 30 – Stretching and Mobility, 6pm
  • June 1 – South Philly Rumble! More details HERE.

Make Up Day – May 2, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. AMRAP in 11 minutes of 100m run, 3 thrusters (95/65#), 100m run, 6 thrusters, 100m run 9 thrusters…
  2. Max height box jump then front squat 5-5-5-5-5
  3. Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 400m sled drag (25% SDC)
  4. Complete 5 rounds for time of 3 cleans (205/135 NTE 85%), 10 burpee pull ups
  5. Complete 2 rounds for time of 20 KBS (70/53#), 30 toes to bar, 800m run

Make Up Day – Apr 25, 2013

Join us between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts! This week your choices are:

  1. Banded box back squat 10×2, then 4 rounds for time of 200m run, 10R/10L DB hang power snatch (35/25#)
  2. “Cameron” – a hero chipper WOD. See Saturday’s post for details.
  3. “Nasty Girls” – 3 rounds for time of: 50 air squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 hang power clean (135/95#)
  4. In teams of 3, complete: 60 HSPU, 90 burpees, 120 pull ups, 150 KBS, 180 sit ups. Complete the reps in any order. 1 person works at a time.
  5. EMOM for 15 minutes: 2 snatch (full squat, 80-85% 1RM). Scale to 4 power snatch. No press out!

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Kim Dieter!

Daily WOD – Apr 24, 2013


EMOM for 15 minutes of:

  • 2 snatches (full squat, 80-85% max) 

WOD Notes:  If you have not developed the ability to pull yourself under the bar into a full squat, you can scale to power snatches and do FOUR each minute.  Whether you are squat or power snatching, pick a weight where there is NO PRESS OUT!!  On every snatch you should transition quickly under the bar, and land with your arms already straight.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jess V!!

Daily WOD – Apr 23, 2013

Great job tonight Coach T!
Great job tonight Coach T!

Teams of 3, with 1 athlete working at a time, complete:

  • 60 handstand push ups
  • 90 burpees
  • 120 pull ups
  • 150 KB swings (53/35#)
  • 180 sit ups

WOD Notes:  The movements can be done in any order, and you can break up the movements any way you want.  Be creative and go fast! (Ideas – 1. Complete as written, 2. Complete backwards, 3. Break into 2 or 3 rounds…) It is NOT expected that each team member contributes equally. If someone is really good at a movement, let them take extra reps! If you need a break, reach out to a teammate for help.

Rest Day – April 21, 2013


Thanks for another great week at ICA! Rest up and enjoy your weekend!

Community Note: We are testing out a new class time… starting May 3rd there will be a 12:00 class on Fridays! If you want this class time to stick, let us know by showing up!

Daily WOD – Apr 20, 2013

Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron
Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron


  • 50 walking lunge steps
  • 25 chest to bar pull ups
  • 50 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 25 triple unders
  • 50 back extensions
  • 25 ring dips
  • 50 knees to elbows
  • 25 2-fer wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 50 sit ups
  • 5 rope climbs

WOD Notes:  U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron, 24, of Portland, OR, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit’s helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. This Hero WOD was posted to the CF mainpage on 120326.

We will be substituting banded good mornings for the back extensions. A few people each class may be able to use the GHD. There will be a 40 minute time cap on this workout. Scale movements as needed, and if you are worried about the time cap consider doing 25 of every movement.

Parking Notes: We hear the baseball field is going to be really busy tomorrow. Remember you are always welcome to park in the gated parking lot and enter the warehouse through the side of the building.  We recommend not parking along the fence directly next to the field, as baseballs have been hit over the fence in the past..

South Philly Rumble

2012_SouthPhillyRumble_Tee_01-600x282 (1)

Fearless Athletics will be hosting its third annual South Philly Rumble on Saturday June 1st! Registration begins THIS Saturday – April 20th.  This is a team event consisting of two men and two women.  Scaling is allowed and the fee to register is $150 per team.  We entered a team last year and had a blast. This year, ICA is going to register two teams! Just like last year, we’ll offer the spots to our top finishers in the Open. Based on their desire and availability to participate, we’ll go down the list until we fill both teams.

We think there may be enough interest to send a third team as well… if you know you’re not likely to make one of the first two teams, but you definitely want to participate in the Rumble, feel free to organize and register a team on your own. Spots will fill up quickly, so if you want to register, do so as soon as possible!

When registration opens on Saturday, the link to register should be added HERE.

Daily WOD – Apr 19, 2013

Welcome James!

Banded Box Back Squat 10×2 (60% on bar, 20-30% in bands)


Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 200m sprint
  • 10R/10L DB hang power snatch (35/25#)

Community Notes: Congrats to Tiana, who is finishing up her training as a coaching intern! She will run her first solo class this upcoming Tuesday at 5:00pm. Come on out and support her! (But be sure to register since we know it will fill up fast!)

Event Notes: If you are attending CrossFit Del Val’s 2nd Annual Dog Day Afternoon this Saturday, click HERE for final details.

Make Up Day – Apr 18, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 5 rounds for time of 15 hang power snatch (115/75#), 15 pistols
  2. Banded deadlift 10×1 then 5×5 barbell good mornings 30-35% 1RM DL
  3. “The Baseline” – 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups then repeat for 2 rounds, 3 advanced
  4. Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 then 10 minutes of double under or triple under practice
  5. Complete for time 400m run, 21-15-9 KBS (70/53#) and toes through rings, 400m run

ICA’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration!

ICA’s 1st Anniversary – Aug 6, 2012

Mark your calendars folks — on July 13, 2013 we’re celebrating ICA’s 2nd anniversary!!

Just like last year, we’ll run the 31 Heroes WOD, in honor of the 31 Americans killed in action in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. Last year we raised $2,500 for the 31Heroes Project, which benefits the families of fallen military heroes. This year we hope to double that amount! After the WOD, we’ll have an afternoon of fun and festivities, including a roast pig, beer, pizza, and much more. We’ll release more details about the event as it draws nearer,  but for now get the date on your calendar and plan your summer vacations around it… This is an event you don’t want to miss!

Daily WOD – Apr 15, 2013


Congrats to Jenn, Jimbo and T for competing at CrossFit West Chester on Saturday!  They took 5th, 8th and 10th place respectively!

“The Baseline”

Complete for time:

  • 500m row
  • 40 squats
  • 30 situps
  • 20 push ups
  • 10 pull ups

Rest approximately 2-4 minutes and repeat for a total of 2 rounds, 3 advanced.

WOD Notes:  Compare to 120421 or 120703.

Make Up Day – Apr 11, 2013

46 1/4 inch... not bad Evan!!
46 1/4 inch… not bad Evan!!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  • Power clean 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 30 power cleans for time (70%), complete 10 DU at the start of each minute
  • “13.5” – AMRAP in 4 minutes of 15 thrusters (100/65#), 15 C2B pull ups
  • Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 30 ground to shoulder NFT
  • 5 x 400m run
  • “Fight Gone Bad” – 3 rounds of 1 minute at each station: wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), SDHP (75/55#), box jump (20/16″), push press (75/55#), row (calories)

Community Note:  Happy Birthday to two of our old school members: Kev and Scott!

Daily WOD – Apr 10, 2013



Complete 3 rounds of:

  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55#)
  • Box jump (20/16″)
  • Push Press (75/55#)
  • Row (for calories)

WOD Notes:  You will spend 1 minute at each station, and get a 1 minute break between rounds. Your score is the total number of reps completed (or calories on the rower).  Everyone will complete the movements in the order above, but not everyone will start from the top. This is one of the most infamous CrossFit benchmarks… so come ready to work hard!! Compare to 110917.

Community Notes: Happy birthday to the founding father of ICA… the “one arm Isabel guy”… the devious mind behind ICA’s hardest workouts… the man who inspires us with his power clean and Fran time… who gives his heart and soul to our gym… and keeps our floors clean too!

kauai fishing
John in his paradise

John you are absolutely one of a kind. You are an incredibly hard worker, and you have more passion than anyone I know. You coach us, motivate us, and make us smile every day. I don’t know how I got so lucky to get to stand by your side through this crazy ride and life we’ve built!  I can’t imagine opening a gym, running a house, or raising a family with anyone but you! Happy 27th birthday from me and the entire ICA family. I love you!

hspu smile
Who else smiles mid HSPU?!?


Daily WOD – Apr 6, 2013


“Open 13.5”

AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

  • 15 thrusters (100/65#)
  • 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups

* If you complete 90 reps in 4 minutes, continue for another 4 minutes.

WOD Notes: Your score is the total number of reps completed in 4 minutes. (Or 8 min if you earned the “bonus” 4!)

WOD Standards: The thruster standards are the same standards we typically enforce at ICA. The bottom of the squat must be below parallel; at the top you must fully extend your arms and hips so your body ends in a straight line with the bar over your shoulders/hips/heels. For the chest-to-bar pull up you must start with your arms fully extended and your feet off the floor. The rep counts when your chest (collar bar or lower) physically contacts the bar. Learn more about the movement standards HERE .

Make Up Day – Apr 4, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Banded box back squat 12×2 then 400m run
  2. Complete 5 rounds for time of 15 burpees, 10 deadlifts (60%), 200m run
  3. Complete 10 to 1 reps for time of C2B pull ups, goblet squats (53/35#), abmat sit ups
  4. Rack jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then DB shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5

Open Notes:  If you are planning on completing Open 13.5 tonight, please post what time you will be doing it to comments.  Plan on having it done by 6:30!

Community Note:  Happy Birthday Peter!!

Daily WOD – Apr 3, 2013

Rack Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 


Dumbell shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5

WOD Notes: The rack jerk is a variation on the split jerk (a shoulder-to-overhead movement) where the barbell starts on your back. Most athletes will be able to lift MUCH more this way as compared to a conventional split jerk (where the bar starts in front of your body).  Compare 1RM rack jerk to 121012.

April Schedule & Announcements


Mark your calendars for these important dates in April!

  • 4/11 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm
  • 4/13 – Fight for Food – a competition at CrossFit West Chester
  • 4/20 – 2nd Annual Dog Day Afternoon. Join CF Delaware Valley for an afternoon of fun and competitive WODs with area CrossFit affiliates, plus beer and wings, to benefit our special four-legged friends who are in need of a good home! In lieu of a registration fee, athletes are asked to bring something from the SPCA’s Wish List. (The full Wish List can be found at delcospca.org/donations.) There will be furry friends who are up for adoption there to play with, too! Human children and fur-children are also welcome, as long as they are friendly and you clean up after them.
  • 4/20 – Grand Opening Competition at CrossFit Ephrata
  • 4/25 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Mark, 6pm

Note: Although John and Nikki are out of town on 4/20 and won’t be able to attend either of the events that day, anyone who is interested in encouraged to attend! I’m sure we’ll have a few dog lovers at CFDV!

Daily WOD – Apr 2, 2013

Chest to yoke
Chest to yoke

Complete for time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of

  • Chest-to-bar pull ups
  • Goblet squats (53/35#)
  • Abmat sit ups

WOD Notes: There’s a good chance of C2B pull ups in this week’s Open WOD, so here’s your chance to practice them! We will scale to regular pull ups, banded C2B, or banded pull ups as needed.

Daily WOD – Apr 1, 2013

Welcome Evan! (Go figure Dani AND her brother can do full splits!!)
Welcome Evan! (Go figure Dani AND her brother can do full splits!!)
Welcome Rachael!
Welcome Melinda!
Welcome Melinda!

Run a 10k

WOD Notes: Today’s WOD is a CrossFit main page favorite. You’ll run 12 loops of our 800m course and cap it off with a 400m. Compare to our 5k run on 121013. Feel free to bring your own iPod to listen to while you run! We’ll have a 45 minute cut off for this workout, so pick your scales accordingly. No bikes or rollerblades will be allowed. And no motorized contraptions of any kind. Dogs are okay. And if you think we are seriously going to make you run a 10k then… happy April Fools! Come on in to find out what the real workout of the day is.

Open Notes:  Great job to everyone who completed 13.4 this week.  We were especially impressed by some of the new women who got the 95 pound bar over their heads and their first T2B.  We were expecting to see some zeros this week and were blown away by the scores!  Congrats to this week’s top 5 finishers.

  • Men-John 94, Mike V. 90, Phil 85, Craig 76, Kehl 68
  • Women – Killa 73, Nikki 65, Tiana 60, Lindsey 58, Jenn 55

Rest Day – Mar 31, 2013


Thanks for another great week at ICA! Rest up and enjoy your Sunday! Happy Easter!

Please remember to submit your 13.4 scores online if you haven’t already. We’ll try to double check that we have everyone entered, but we’re going to be away from the computer for most of the day so no promises! Do us a favor and go enter your score right now!

Open WOD – Mar 30, 2013

“Open 13.4”

AMRAP in 7 minutes of:

  • 3 clean and jerks (135/95#)
  • 3 toes to bar
  • 6 clean and jerks
  • 6 toes to bar
  • 9
  • 9…

WOD Notes:  This style of workout is called a “ladder.” You start with 3 reps of each movement, then do 6 reps of each movement, then 9 reps of each movement, etc, until the time runs out. Your score is the total number of reps completed in 7 minutes. This is the first Open workout where we expect to see a significant number of people have to scale. The C&J is pretty heavy, and T2B are just plain hard! Even if you can’t do this WOD as Rx, come in and do a scaled version and cheer on your teammates! Additionally, if you are signed up for the Open please enter your score online, even if it’s a 0 or a 3! Otherwise, you be disqualified and next week’s score won’t count 🙁

WOD Standards: For this workout, you must clean the bar from the ground to your shoulders, then jerk the bar overhead.  The clean can be a power clean or a squat clean. The jerk can actually be a shoulder press, push press, or jerk (aka get it overhead any way you want), but we strongly recommend the jerk!!  At top, your hips, knees and arms must all be at full extension – all at the same time.  For the toes to bar, listen up! There are a lot of standards here. You must start hanging on the bar, with straight arms (!!) , with your heels behind the bar. To complete the rep, you must touch both feet to the bar at the same time, between your hands.  Before starting another rep, you must return to a straight arm hang with your heels behind the bar. To read the official standards click here. For a full demonstration of the standards, please view the video below:

Make Up Day – Mar 28, 2013

Come in tonight between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Deficit Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 3 rounds of 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′) and double unders
  2. Complete 5 rounds for time 15 push ups, 15 power cleans (95/65#)
  3. Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then weighted pull up 2-2-2-2-2
  4. Complete 10 rounds for time of 10 thrusters (65/45#) and 3 HSPU

Open Notes:  Post to comments if you are planning on completing 13.4 tonight and what time you’ll be in.  Plan to finish before 6:30.

Coaching Note: John and Nikki will be out of town Thursday through Sunday. You’ll be in good hands with Coach Sara and Coach Karen. Make us proud and crush Open 13.4 this week!!

Daily WOD – Mar 25, 2013

Kerri knocks out some solid push ups
Kerri knocks out some solid push ups

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 15 push ups
  • 15 power cleans (95/65#)

Open Notes:  Great job to everyone who completed 13.3 this week!  We saw some awesome performances and new faces in the top 5.  Congrats to:

  • Women: Nikki (243), Killa (241), Jenn (180), Kim H. (172), Sarge (167)
  • Men: John (253), Craig (242), Chamberlain (241), Phil (240), Kehl (236)

Open WOD – Mar 23, 2013

Welcome Ernesto!
Welcome Ernesto!

Open 13.3

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 150 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 90 double unders
  • 30 muscle ups

WOD Notes:  Today’s Open workout is a repeat of last year’s 12.4. We know you’re all excited for wall balls! We’ll go over all the standards in class tomorrow, but to read the official rules (and see a video demonstration) of this workout click here. Compare to the last time we did “Karen” here: 130223. Compare to last year’s 12.4 here: 120315.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Spencer!!

Make Up Day – Mar 21, 2013

Who will get to the muscle ups tonight??
Who will get to the muscle ups tonight??

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Snatch hang snatch complex 1 rep max then 12, 8, 4 reps for time of KB power snatch (53/35#), box jump
  2. 10 rep max front squat then 400m backwards run
  3. Skill work: muscle ups and rope climbs then “Annie” – 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps of double unders and situps
  4. AMRAP in 3 minutes of: KB swings (53/35#), hand release push ups, row (calories), toes to bar, sandbag cleans

Note:  If you are planning on completing 13.3 tonight, please post to comments what time you will be coming.  We’d like to have 13.3 done by 6:30 p.m. so plan accordingly!

Daily WOD – Mar 19, 2013

Welcome Phil K!
Welcome Phil K!

Gymnastics Skill Work –

  • Athlete’s choice: Muscle ups or Rope Climbs


Choose your “Annie”

  1. “Annie” (50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and sit ups)
  2. “Muscle up Annie” (5-4-3-2-1 MU after each round)
  3. “Rope Climb Annie” (1 rope climb after each round)

WOD Notes: With 3 weeks left in the Open, you’re almost guaranteed to see muscle ups (bar or rings) and double unders in the  near future. Today we’ll take some time to work on these skills! Each class will start with 15 minutes of skill work, and end with the benchmark WOD “Annie” or one of her variations. Compare “Annie” to 110810 or 120224.

Community Note:  Happy Birthday Sabol and Bryan Beatty!!

Daily WOD – Mar 18, 2013

Welcome Mary Jean!
Welcome Mary Jean!

Find your 10 rep max front squat


Run 400m backwards

Notes:   We are very proud of the intensity and sportsmanship demonstrated by all our members during the first 2 weeks of the Open! Great job to all, and keep up the good work! We just wanted to take a moment to congratulate the top 5 men and women performers from 13.1 and 13.2:


  • Women – Killa (163), Nikki W (155), Lindsey (150), Jenn (150), Tiana (141)
  • Men – John (162), Craig (151), Mike V (151), Phil (143), Kehl (131)


  • Women – Killa (255), Nikki (245), Lindsey (240), Tiana (237), Dani (232)
  • Men – John (289), Kehl (270), Mike V (250), Craig (244), Phil (241)

Community Notes:  Congratulations to Jimbo and Garrett for attending the CrossFit level 1 certification seminar this weekend!

Pizza Helen – Mar 17, 2013

Great crew, lots of fun. Thanks for coming out!

WOD Pre-Script: REMEMBER TO POST YOUR 13.2 SCORES BY 8PM SUNDAY NIGHT! Now for the main event…

“Pizza Helen”

3 rounds for time of:

  • Eat 1 slice of pizza
  • Run 400m
  • 21 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Mark Filchner!!

WOD Notes:  Join us at 12:00 for a St Patty’s day special – Pizza Helen! This is a FREE social event that will not count towards your class totals. The pizza is on us (just a small thank you for making ICA the amazing community that it is)!! If you are a visitor to ICA  (i.e. you don’t have a membership or a punchcard with us), there will be a $10 drop in fee.  Feel free to sub out pizza for another food or beverage of your choice.  BYOB for a “strink and drink” after the WOD!

Open WOD – Mar 16, 2013

“Open 13.2”

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

  • 5 shoulder-to-overhead (115/75#)
  • 10 deadlift (115/75#)
  • 15 box jumps (24/20″)

WOD Notes: Get ready to crush this WOD ICA!! Each class will begin with a group warm up, so you do NOT have to show up early to warm up in the warehouse (unless you want to).  The shoulder-to-overhead can be a shoulder press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk. Deadlifts must be conventional (no sumo). Box jumps will include a full hip opening while showing control on the box. You can step up or jump for Rx. For a complete list of rules click here. For a video demonstration of the standards see below:


Daily WOD – Mar 15, 2013

Nikki G said I wasn
Nikki G said I wasn’t allowed to take her picture, so I took one of Rey and Levy instead… and she just happened to be in the shot 🙂 Welcome Nikki G!

Take 20 minutes to find your 1 rep max of:

  • Snatch + hang snatch 

Then complete 12, 8, 4 reps for time of:

  • KB power snatch (half R/L, 53/35#)
  • box jumps (24/20″)

WOD Notes:  The snatch and hang snatch are to be performed as a complex, meaning you are not allowed to drop the bar between the two.   Both movements require a full squat.

Make Up Day – Mar 14

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 4 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Shoulder Press 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 3 minutes of plank hold
  2. “Wallball Jackie” – 1000m row, 50 wallballs (20/14 to 10/9′), 30 pullups
  3. Bench Press 5-3-3-2-1-1 then death by strict pullups
  4. Partner Interval AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 bear complexes (115/75), 10 burpee box jumps

Notes:  Post to comments if you plan on completing Open 13.2 tonight instead of Saturday.  If you are doing the open, plan on having it done by 6:30 so it does not interfere with barbell club.

Daily WOD – Mar 13, 2013

Welcome Mike Sidlo!
Welcome Mike Sidlo!

Partner Interval AMRAP in 20 minutes:

  • 5 bear complexes (115/75#)
  • 10 burpee box jumps (16/12″)

WOD Notes:  Partner 1 will complete the bears, then partner 2 will complete the bears. Next partner 1 will do the burpee box jumps, and partner 2 will do the burpee box jumps.  Repeat for as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Notes:  Make sure to sign up in Mindbody if you plan on coming to Pizza Helen on Sunday, so we can figure out how many pizzas to order!  If you are signed up but don’t plan on eating any pizza, please post to comments so we know to not include you in the count.  This is a FREE social event that will not count towards your class totals, and the pizza is on us!! However, if you are a visitor to ICA, there will be a $10 drop in fee to cover the cost of your pizza. BYOB for after the WOD!

Daily WOD – Mar 11, 2013

Welcome Dan!
and Anthony!
and Anthony!

“Wall Ball Jackie”

Complete for time:

  • 1000m row
  • 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 30 pull ups

WOD Notes: “Jackie” is a benchmark WOD similar to the above, but with 45# thrusters  in place of wall balls. Compare today’s WOD to the last time we did “Jackie” on 111202.

Rest Day – Mar 10, 2013


Thanks for another great week at ICA! Great job to everyone who participated in Open WOD 13.1 this Thursday and Saturday. We are proud of the amazing performances we saw!


  1. Anyone who is registered for the Open must post their 13.1 scores to the Games website by 8pm Sunday night in order for your score to count.
  2. Daylight Savings begins tonight! Before you got to bed, turn your clocks ahead one hour. (And while you’re at it, go to bed an hour early so you don’t lose out on any sleep!)

Open WOD – Mar 9, 2013

“Open 13.1”

AMRAP in 17 minutes of

  • 40 burpees
  • 30 snatches (75/45#)
  • 30 burpees 
  • 30 snatches (135/75#)
  • 20 burpees 
  • 30 snatches (165/100#)
  • 10 burpees
  • Snatches (210/120#)

WOD Notes:  Even though this is an Open workout, you do not have to be registered for the Open to participate. We will be running 2 heats in each class, and there is fair amount of explanation and set up, so we will be doing a VERY truncated warm up in class. We recommend all athletes show up to class early to warm up and do some shoulder mobility in the warehouse.

Burpees will include a  jump and two-hand touch to a target 6 inches above your reach. Snatches can be squat, power, or split snatches. If you know you cannot lift one of the snatch weights, you will stay at the same weight throughout the workout.  (Men 55 and older use the women’s weights listed above. Women 55 and older use 35/55/75/90#.) For a complete list of rules click here.

Lastly, please be patient if classes run a little long. We will do our best to get everyone in and out in a timely manner, and more importantly – to have fun and post some great scores!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Katie “Spotts” Spencer! (from O’Neill’s Garage!)

Community Notes:  Congratulations to Brian Sweeney for getting married today!  Have fun in Hawaii!

Daily WOD – Mar 8, 2013


Shoulder press 2-2-2-2-2-2


3 minutes (total) of plank hold (5 min advanced)

WOD Notes:  Compare to 1RM shoulder press on 121031.

Notes:  Due to the length of WOD 13.1 on Saturday, we ask everyone show up 10 minutes early to their class for a general warm up on your own so that we can focus on instruction and rules when class starts.  We will have a warm up posted outside the door when you arrive!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Joanne!!

Make Up Day – Mar 7, 2013

Killa putting up the highest score of the night!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete 3 rounds for time of 5 DB C&J, 15 C2B pullups, 25 box jumps (24/20″)
  2. Back Squat 5-3-3-2-1-1 then 1 mile run
  3. Complete 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 20 cleans (95/65#)
  4. Sumo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 200m sled drag (30% SDC)
  5. AMRAP in 15 minutes of 30 DU, 10 OHS (95/65#), 10 toes to bar

WOD Notes:  If you can’t complete the Opens workout this Saturday and plan on doing it tonight instead, please post to comments what time you will be coming so we can plan accordingly.  The opens officially start tonight for ICA!

Daily WOD – Mar 6, 2013

Welcome Kerri
Welcome Kerri
and Stuart!
and Stuart!

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 30 double unders
  • 10 overhead squats (95/65#)
  • 10 toes to bar

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Stacey!!

Open Notes: The first Open WOD will be posted tonight (Wednesday) at 8pm on the CrossFit Games page. Get jacked up ICA!! Post to comments if you have predictions on what the first WOD will be…

Daily WOD – Mar 4, 2013

Ginger in a deep clean!
Ginger in a deep clean!
Welcome Peter
Welcome Peter
and Nadine!
and Nadine!
and welcome back Roydan!
and welcome back Roydan!

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 20 cleans (95/65#)

Notes:  The first Opens WOD of 2013 will be announced this Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.! We will be completing the opens WODs as our regularly scheduled workouts each Saturday.  If you are signed up for the opens and cannot make it to class on Saturday, plan on showing up Thursday night (the day after the WOD is announced) to do the workout.  Let us know in advance if you plan on doing the workout on Thursday so we can make sure  judges are available.  Here comes the competition season!

March Schedule and Announcements!


Mark your calendars for these important dates in March!

  • March 35th Element of Fitness workshop
  • March 6First Open WOD is announced, 8pm. (If you haven’t signed up for the Open yet, do so HERE!)
  • March 7 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Mark
  • March 17St Patty’s Day! Come celebrate St Patty’s Day with a rare Sunday workout! Join us at 12:00pm for “Pizza Helen!”  For those who don’t know what that is, check out this video. You can sub out pizza for another food or beverage of your choice. (For instance, Green Milk Helen? Or worse yet – Green Beer Helen?) Please sign up for this class in advance so we know how much pizza to order.
  • March 21 – Stretching & Mobility with Coach Mark
  • April 13Fight for Food at CrossFit West Chester. Profits benefit the Lord’s Pantry in Downingtown, and spectators are asked to bring non-perishable food items. There are divisions for Rx and Scaled. The day will include 3 workouts with a 4th for the top 10 men and women from the Rx division. The cost is $50 and includes a t-shirt. For more information or sign up go HERE.