Daily WOD – Apr 22, 2013

Welcome Katie L!
Welcome Katie L!

“Nasty Girls”

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 50 air squats
  • 7 muscle ups
  • 10 hang power clean (135/95#) *NTE 70% of your 1RM HPC or PC

WOD Notes: Compare to 120423.


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. John

    Dan E. 13:41 (2xPU/RD)
    Mickey 15:24 (2xPull/push, P)
    Marissa 13:27 (55, 2x pull/push, MM+MF)
    Sara R. 12:59 (65, 1pull unbanded+10pull MF/rd, 2xpush)
    Jenn 12:58 (85, 2BMU ATT/rd)
    Jacki 15:26 (65, 2xpull/push, P)

    John 15:02 Rx+vest

    Mary Jean 15:08 (65, 10 push, 2xpull, P+MF)
    Matt C. 15:45 (MU ATT)
    Ginger 16:53 (65, 2xpull/push, G)
    Alan 17:14 (85, 2x pull/push-knees, G+MF)
    Moira 12:49 (25, 2xpull/push-knees)

    Stuart 15:12 (85, 2xp, P+MM)
    Korba 12:35 (2xp)
    Katie L. 12:37 (45, 2xp, MM)
    jackie T. 12:32 (65, 10pull, 14 push)
    T 13:23 (135, 1xC2B)
    Kerri 16:18 (55, 2xp, P+MF)
    Craig 15:32 (DC MU)
    Kev 14:19 Rx
    James 14:47 (1xRPU/RD)
    Tom S. 14:46 (95, 2xp)
    Ron 15:21 (115, 2xp, P)

    Sarge 16:13 (2xp, 65, G+MF)
    Nadine 12:19 (2xp, 40, G)
    Sabol 16:59 Rx
    Kim H. 13:08 (2xp, MM, 75)
    Jimbo 14:09 (2xp)
    Joel 18:31 (2xp, G, 95)
    Brendan 12:07 (125, BMU)
    Natalie 24:09 (75, 2xp, G+MM)
    Kehl 9:58 Rx
    Chamberlain 15:56 Rx
    Filchner 14:57 (2xp, 115)
    Pugh 11:37 (2xp)
    Anthony 16:16 (2xp, 85, G)
    Lindsey 14:54 (88, 2xp)

    1. Sara R.

      I used the MF band with my pullups.

  2. ICA admin

    Sara, I get your score wrong every time! I changed it.

  3. ICA admin

    6PM Results

    Mel 14:18 (50, Bl, knees)
    Jerry 18:52 (95, G+MM)
    Chase 10:38 (Push/pull up)
    Dani 13:09 (75, Pull/push up)
    Garrett 9:54 (4MU, 21 attempts, 52 pull up)
    Tom F. 15:12 (7 pullups/14 push up)
    Sidlo 12:37 (115 push/pull up)
    Evan 13:06 (115, push/pull up, Gr)
    Sajan 12:31 (95, push/pull up)
    Sam 7:57 (115)
    Pete 16:06 (45)

    Maggie 14:57 (P+mm, 16″ box, 75#)
    Nick V 12:08 (G, push, 115)
    Levy 9:39 (pull/push)
    Emily L 15:07 (RR, knee, 65)
    Nick A 10:22 (pull/push, 100)
    Ernesto 17:54 (G, 95)
    Tanner 14:14 RX!
    Dan F 16:54 (P, push, 135)
    Melinda 16:13 (G, push ROM, 55)
    Paul 12:12 (P, push, 95)
    Phil 11:42 RX!
    Rey 10:58 (pull/push)
    Rachael S 13:58 (G, knee, 55)
    Sandra 15:42 (P+mf, 45)
    Laurie 13:54 (pull/push, 75)

  4. Scott

    OG results:
    Barb 20:38(2xpu and rd)
    Scott 11:38 Rx
    Cragle present

  5. Nikki

    Huge congrats to Sabol, Phil, and Tanner who got their FIRST RX Nasty Girls last night!

    1. Phil

      thanks Nikki, i was pretty pumped about it.. and thanks to John also for the pointers on stringing them

      ive been ducking MU wods for quite a while now but i think im ready for the firebird again, this time as prescribed!

  6. Sabol

    Thanks Nikki! Felt good to RX that one!

  7. Tanner

    Thanks Nikki I didn’t think I was gonna make it. Those muscles get me so frustrated every time but john calmed me down and kept me moving.

  8. Garrett

    A correction to my workout last night. I did 3 rounds of 14 push-ups after my MU attempts So a Total of 42 push-ups were done not 52 pull-ups. Sorry for the error.

    And hell yeah to Sabol, Tanner and Phil you studs! Well done guys. Muscle Ups…I hate ’em but I’ll soon love ’em! Got me some rings set up at home!!!

    1. Lindsey

      Nice job guys!!! Hell of a WOD to RX!!

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