Daily WOD – May 28, 2013
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Levy or Garrett have you seen my phone call me at 6102335990 if you’ve seen it.
Yea we have it…it must have fallen out in the car
Results from today (for box jumps the weight listed is one dumbbell)
Jon 65mm, 10lb (20″)
Paul 145 mm, 15lb
Nick V 185mm, 25lb (20″)
Jenn 120 mm, 10lb
Sara R 105 mm, 20lb
Jacki 105mm, 10lb
James 275G, 18lb+20lb KBs
Craig 225G, 88lb
Tanner 225G, 3 vests (~65lb total)
Korba 155P, 35lb
Ron 155P, 25lb
Ben 155P, 35lb
Katie 55mm, 10lb
Stuart 85mm, 25lb (16″)
Tom S 125mm, 25lb
Robbie 95mm, 25lb
John 185P, 35lb
Kev 155P, (35->53lb)
Chamberlain 155P, 35lb
Nikki K 75mm, 10lb (16″)
Kelly 85mm, 15lb
Chloe 85mm, 15lb
Lindsey 115mm, 25lb (16″)
Natalie 115mm, 10lb (16″)
Hancock 85mm, 10lb (16″)
Fili 165P, 35lb
Brendan 135P, 35lb
Chase 185mm, 40lb
Rey 185mm, 40lb
Nik 115mm, —
Dani 115mm, 20lb
Mel 95mm, 5lb (16″)
Stacey 85mm, 5lb (16″)
Jess 95mm, 10lb
Angie 55mf, 5 (12″)
Nick A. 115mm, 30
Hoagie 115p, 20s (20″)
Pugh 135p, 26s
Sidlo 135mm, 35s
Scott 155p, 20s
Congrats to Jacki N. for her first official strict pull up, solid work!
Yay Jacki!!!
Congrats Jacki! Awesome job!!