25-20-15-10-5 of:
- Push up (Men’s Rx = clapping)
- Sit up
- Hang Power Clean (95/65#)
One rope climb after each round
WOD Notes: Compare to 110921.
25-20-15-10-5 of:
One rope climb after each round
WOD Notes: Compare to 110921.
© 2024 Iron Cross Athletics
1041 W. Bridge Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460
John: 717-572-3994
Nikki: 203-558-7281
This Post Has 26 Comments
I guess we’ll get a McGonigal sighting tomorrow…
Ha ha. I reread that cherry picking post the other day and still didn’t see how it applies to me. This looks like a good one. Not sure if I can make it in, but I’ll try.
This looks like a good one!! I am excited to re-shred my left leg again!! Bring on the rope climbs!!
you better double up your tall socks!
I want to see someone do this unbroken!
Oh John… this sounds like a challenge…. or Craig… ? Anyone?
This looks totally brutal!
Oh, been meaning to post this but kept forgetting. I bought wrist wraps from Again Faster and was keeping them in the top bin at the gym (aka “box”). I’ve loaned them out to whomever needed them, but now they are gone. If you’ve accidentaly acquired a pair of wrist wraps, can you please bring them back. Thanks!!
Laurie they were on the desk a week or two ago. Check the plastic shelves where people keep their protein.
This one was an awesome WOD(beside the sit ups, I can live w/o them
(Weird-it cut off my reply). I think it is pretty amazing how much this box has grown since the last time this workout was done. You can see how much the love and dedication there is to make ICA! It goes w/o saying that the coaches are pretty awesome…just sayin’
Jenn: I was thinking the same thing when I clicked back. I love that I feel the same consideration and dedication now as I did when I first joined up. Nikki and John have worked so hard to keep that feeling. 🙂 Its the one thing I appreciate most about ICA.
I don’t remember doing this, but last time I couldn’t do a rope climb.
i got rope burn on my groin!!!!! i am only climbing ropes in pants from now on
Oh Tanner!!
Not fun!!
Nate 17:13 (25-15-5, knees, 75, pulls)
Hilary 18:10 (60% push ups) First RC!
Todd V. 17:42 Rx+GHD
Mickey 14:37 (push ups, tape) First RC!
Paul 16:48 (75, tape) First RC!
Jacki 18:59 (knees) First RC!
Jenn 15:12 Rx
Sara R. 16:48 (DC PU, tape)
Marissa 18:25 (45, DC pu/rc)
Dan E. 16:04 Rx
Nick V. 15:30 (85, pulls)
Ron 17:49 (pu, tape)
Moira 14:41 (12″, 20#, attempts)
Katie N. 11:41 (60% push ups, 45)
Tanner 10:53 Rx
Jocelyn 13:16 (knees, 35, pulls)
Ginger 15:07 (knees, 45, tape) First RC!
Sandra 14:38 (40% pu, 45, tape)
Jess 16:30 (45)
Mary Jean 14:00 (40% pu, tape, 45) First RC!
John 10:57 (pu, vest)
Kehl 10:54 Rx
Craig 13:39 Rx +ghd
Matt C. 17:11 (pu)
Tom M. 12:45 (60% pushups, 65#, tape) First RC!
T 15:34 Rx
Jackie T. 15:19 (55, tape) First RC!
Katie L. 11:23 (60% pu, 45, tape) First RC!
Robbie 16:03 (pu, 65) First RC!
Joel 14:05 (40% pu, 65, tape) First climb to tape!
Great job on all the first rope climbs!
I did manage to get all the way up the rope 2 times. And by the way I dis-like pushups with a passion.
I agree with you Sara- I am not a fan of push-ups!
I’ve got some attractive scars that prove that today wasn’t my first rope climb but thanks for making me feel special again 🙂
Chamberlain 17:50 (Rx+ (GHD)
Natalie 20:28 (60% knees, pulls)
Garrett 11:11 Rx
B 16:20 (reg pu)
Lindsey 14:39 (80% pu)
Sabol 15:02 Rx
Kim 18:59 (knees, 2 full, 3 1/2 ropes)
Nadine 14:10 (60% pu, 35, pulls)
Anthony 14:29 (knees, 65, tape)
Mike H. 14:29 (55)
Curin 17:34 (knees, pulls)
Peggy 13:26 (knees, 45, pulls)
Killa 12:33 (80%, 3 strict pull ups/ 3 T2B)
Chase 12:07 (reg pu)
Dani 18:28 Rx (4.5 rope climbs)
Evan 18:54 (3 full, 2 tape)
Phil 16:44 Rx+GHD
Pugh 14:02 Rx
Anna 16:58 (knees, 55)
Sajan 18:114 (75)
Fili 16:23 (reg pu, pulls)
Pete 16:43 (reg pu, 45, pulls…1 rope climb)
Mel 17:45 (knees, 50, pulls…1 to tape)
Stacey 15:40 (knees, 50, pulls)
Rey 13:53 Rx
Angie 15:39 (knees, 35, pulls)
Rachael 19:49 (knees, 45, tape)
Laurie 20:19 Rx
Jimbo 20:13 (3 climbs, 2 half)
Levy 17:47 (135, pulls)
Emily 19:21 (tape, knees)
O’Neill’s Garage : no rope sub = 3pull ups & 3 KTE
Cragle 13:16 Rx weight , no clapping.
Scott 12:40 Rx
Barb 13:50 cry baby weight#45,Mf, no clapping ( not even after the wod).
Interesting and deceptive WOD tonight: As the workload decreases the intensity increases (shorter faster cycles) and kills you by the end. Nice.
What a great site to see an “Rx” by my name!!!! We also had two first-time full-length rope climbs by Emily and Rachael. Way to go girls! This one was TOUGH but fun!!
Just for my records 80% on push-ups and 3/3 in place of rope climbs.
But, I hope we never see this again. (hint hint)