Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
8×50 yd sled drag (40-50% SDC)
WOD Notes: The thruster must be cleaned off the floor. The SDC (sled drag coefficient) is your bodyweight plus your 1 rep max deadlift. Compare thruster to 121108.
Community Notes: Happy birthday Kehl!!!
This Post Has 44 Comments
Happy Birthday Kehl!!! 🙂
Yay Me! Bring on the sentimental comments!
Thrusters? That’s a dirty birthday trick…
Haha, I get it dirty thrusters.
Mark for your birthday we are putting a karaoke machine in the gym- it will have all the Oasis and Journey songs you can sing! I am hoping you can also sing some Jason Mraz as well…since you love him as much as me!!! After you complete your songs- I will fail to give you a high 5 …. as I sometimes do!! 😉
I don’t know, I thought Mark was definitely rocking out to Lady Gaga during moga last night. Happy birthday, Mark!
Nick…Shhhhhhh. We were just a couple of young, rich and successful guys rockin’ out to Gaga.
Happy birthday, Mark!!!
Happy Birthday Kehl!
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday Mark! It’s been a pleasure getting to know you buddy. I gotta tell you, I miss your insane and hilarious blog posts.
Thanks for the constructive criticism.
Happy birthday, Mark!
Happy Birthday Mark!
Happy Birthday Kehl!!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Kehl!
Happy birthday Mark!
Thank you random person.
This is so difficult. Hap…..Happ……Happy Bir…..Happy Birthday……..Marrrrk! I did it. Have a good one buddy.
I long for you McGonigal and I wanna give you a hug…but I won’t because we are sworn, mortal enemies.
Happy Birthday Kehl!!
Happy Birthday buddy! Here come the burpees!
MHappy Birthday MaRk!!!
Happy Birthday Mark!!
Happy Birthday Kehl!
Happy Birthday Mark!
Mark, Happy Birthday Buddy!
Happy birthday Mark! A birthday on a Friday is the best, even if you can’t party it up 🙂
Happy Birthday Mark!!
happy birthday super friend! if you need help mobilizing/mashing anything today let me know
You stay away from Rachael but I’m all yours buddy!
Happy birthday Kehl, For your birthday I got you a new workout routine. I hope you like it.
Happy bday kehl!! Where are you celebrating?
My place with the lady! I have the Tough Mudder tomorrow so it’ll be Pedialyte and an early night. At 32, it’s all downhill from here. If we have time, maybe we’ll go to Bed Bath & Beyond.
Paul 105, 6×170
Jon 90, 5×170
Jerry 105, 170
Russ 155, 215
Nate 155, 285
Marissa 93, 120
Sara R. 95, 140
Em 60, 120
Jenn 95 Form,–
Hilary 105, 135
Jacki 110, 140
Rey 155, 215
Gunter 115, 215
Tanner 205, 240
Katie N. 90, 135
Ginger 85, 145
Moira 35, 90
Matt C. 185, 240
Katie L. 80, 150
Jocelyn 65, 125
Scott 185, 240
Robbie 130, 190
Angie 60, 115
Fili 175, 240
Drew 105, 190
Sabol 205 PR!, 280
Nick A. 140, 185/230
Stuart 115, 180
John 185 Form, 235
People at work are asking me “What’s wrong?” I was laughing so hard. This is perfect for you Mark! BTW, no woman should EVER have a front wedgie! Happy birthday Mark!
I was going to comment on that rather obvious moose knuckle but was unsure about its appropriateness on the blog but since Laurie mentioned it. Well there it is!!!!
Happy Birthday Kehl!!
I have a feeling some prancercising will be happening during warmup sometime soon.
Happy Birthday Mark!
Happy Bday Kehl! Don’t drink too many beers or your mudder tomorrow may take on a new meaning! Good luck!
5:00pm Results (thruster/SD)
Natalie 105, 180
Miranda 1 arm 70 DB, 180
Killa 155 C&J, –
Jackie B. 95, –
Kerri 75, 150
Ryan 180, 235
Dan E. 205, 305
Sidlo 170, 235
Anthony 120, 180
Nadine 50 to 20″, 135
Brendan 155, 225
Kev 205, 235
Ben 165, 225
Evan 195, 325
Chase 200, 325
Peter 90, 150
Melinda 93, 170
Rachael 93, 145->160
Stacey 90, 170
Nik 135, 145
Phil 225, —
Great work tonight everyone!
Happy birthday Kehl! Sorry, I would die doing THAT many burpees bud! 😉
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