Daily WOD – Mar 22, 2013

Welcome Joanna!
Welcome Joanna!

Deficit deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2


3 rounds for time of 10 wallballs, 10 double unders


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    John W. 435, 1:40 Rx
    Joanna 135 (floor), 2:53 (10#, SU)
    Sara R. 170, 2:10 Rx
    Hoagie 305, 2:05 (SU)
    Sidlo 275, 1:58 Rx
    Paul 235, 2:12 (SU)
    Ryan 305, 2:11 (DUA)
    Mickey 365, 3:05 Rx
    Tom M. 265, 2:40 (SU)

    Phil Z. 365, 1:38 Rx
    Matt C. 365, 2:35 Rx
    Moira 75 (floor), 3:37 (6#)
    Ron 305, 4:55 DC depth
    Rey 315, 1:39 Rx
    Jon 195 (floor), 2:48 (push ups, 12#)
    Ginger 175, 3:28 DC depth
    Jackie T. 155, 3:19 Rx

    Nadine 95 (platform), 4:27 (6# depth, DUA)
    Anthony 145 (floor), 3:29 (14, DUA)
    Nikki W 185 (form), 1:41 Rx
    Stuart 165 (floor), 4:15 (14 depth, DUA)
    Tanner 315 (form, axel), 2:06 Rx
    Jerry 295, 4:44 (DCWB, 4DU)
    Joel 245 (floor), 4:40 (3DU)

    Natalie 225, 7:01 (7DUA) FIRST DOUBLE UNDER!!
    Peggy 125 (floor), 3:38 (10#, 8′)
    Kerri 155 (floor), 4:53 (10#, 8′, depth, 7DUA)

    Sandra 135 (floor), 4:05 (10#)
    Levy 365 + chain = 455 at top (floor), 3:20 Rx
    Emily 160, 7:11 (DUA)
    Nikki G. 135 (floor), 3:50 (SU)
    Scott 320, 4:55 Rx

    1. Jerry D.

      John, I signed up for the 5 o’clock session. I would like to change that to the 4 o’clock session if there is a slot available. Thanks

    2. Lindsey

      Yeah Natalie!!! So proud of you girl!!! Congrats on your double under!!!!

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