Open WOD 12.4 – March 15, 2012

The Buzby Fan Club!

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 150 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 90 double unders
  • 30 muscle ups

WOD Notes: This week’s WOD combines two classic CrossFit workouts: Karen and 30 MU for time. To spice it up, they threw in 90 DU smack dab in the middle… Woo hoo! A few rules:

  • The ball can’t bounce off the floor for the wall balls. If you don’t catch the ball, it must come to a complete stop before picking it back up.
  • The wall ball must hit AT OR ABOVE the 10’/9′ target. This is good news for us! It means the rep will count as long as some part of the ball comes in contact with red (guys) or white (girls).
  • For the muscle up, you must start from a hang – arms totally straight and with your feet off the floor. At the top you must completely straighten your elbows and lock out.

To see the full standards video, go HERE and click the Week 4 tab.


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Nikki

    Just like the last 3 weeks, we’ll open up the gym at 4:30 for folks to start warming up. We’ll go over standards at 5 and kick the first heat off around 5:15. Be there or be square!

  2. Sarg


  3. Mike

    I will be lucky if I make a full round. DUs are my arch-nemesis.

  4. John

    Only 4 hours away from a good time! What has two thumbs and loves wallballs? THIS GUY!

    1. Sarg

      THIS GIRL.

  5. Scott

    I agree with Mike, DU’s are going to kill it for me too. Can we skip the DU’s and go straight to the MU’s?

  6. Nikki

    Results from tonight:
    Kevin 200
    Craig 211
    Mike S 151
    Chris C 201
    Jimbo 116
    Nick 100
    Gunter 138
    John 253
    Sarge 207
    Mark 215
    Tiana 132
    Buzby 117

  7. Cragle

    Results from the OG:
    Scott 147
    Cragle 241

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