Daily WOD – Mar 16, 2012

Frank and Craig with heavy sleds!

Banded sumo deadlift 10×1 (60% of 1RM sumo deadlift)


Assistance: Sled drag 400m (30% of 1RM deadlift)

WOD Notes: The deadlifts are designed to be done with very little rest, approximately 45 seconds between sets.  Athletes who are not suffering extreme quad soreness from WOD 12.4 should try dragging the sled backwards for 200 of the 400 meters!


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Sarg

    i <3 sled drags

  2. Lindsey

    In for the breakfast club!!

  3. Nikki Sieller

    Excited for tomorrow’s bfast club! So far it’s a girls party with Nikki and Sarg coaching and Lindsey, Natalie, and Cari deadlifting. I love it! Any guys brave enough to join us?

  4. Tiana

    I’m excited about this one, I’m not sure which class though, but I’ll be there.

  5. Mike Sabol

    I am brave enough to join you ladies for 6:15am.

  6. Nikki

    Awesome work this morning Mike!

    1. Lindsey

      Mike was a beast today! Great job!

    2. Mike Sabol

      Thank you Nikki! I am glad you pushed me to bump up the weight. Special thanks to Sarge, she made me push hard up that hill.

  7. Sarg

    6am Results:

    Matt 185/155 (p), 125
    Mike 285 (p), 180
    Lindsey 123 (mm), 85
    Natalie 123 (mm), 85

    you guys rocked the sled drags!!

  8. Nikki

    Killa 165 (P), 100 (Note – this was immediately following 12.4!!!)
    Kev 255 (P), 150
    Frank 165 (P), 115
    Craig 255 (P), 150
    Jimbo 155 (P), 105 and 115 sled drag (yes he did two!)
    Karen 125 (P), 87.5
    Tiana 135 (P), 100
    Dan 185 (G), 125
    Mark 185 (G), 100
    John C 135 (P), 90
    John W n/a, 180

    Open WOD 12.4
    Killa 240
    Nikki 253

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