Make Up Day – Aug 16, 2012

Matt C’s first class!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last five workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Complete for time 25 toes to bar, 50 hand release pushups, 75 lunges, 100 double unders, 75 situps, 50 deadlifts (135/95#), 25 burpees
  2. Dirty Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 500m row, 25 dumbell clean and thrusters
  3. AMRAP in 4 minutes of power clean and jerk (135/95#), Rest, AMRAP in 4 minutes of burpee pullups
  4. Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 5x 1-arm overhead kettlebell walk
  5. “Cindy” – AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Joe

    Is anyone doing the chipper?

  2. MJ

    Joe, Ill be in to do it, but I wont get there until 530.
    Is anyone else going to kop for the Zach Miller wod on Saturday? I cant do hspu, so I will be subing regular pushups since there is a 10min time cap on the wod. So dont let that stop anyone! I should get there around 10am!

  3. Mike S.

    MJ, I am really thinking about doing the Zach Miller WOD on Sat. I am going early like 8:30 if I decide to do it. I would like to get out of there asap.

  4. Tiana

    I passed the L1 folks!!! Just thought I’d share 🙂

  5. John

    Make up night results:

    Peggy 15 (ROM)
    Sam 33 (ROM)
    Mike V 20 +22 Rx
    Tracy V ? G, Knees
    Natalie 10+15 RR, Knees
    Laurie 10+15 MM
    Colin 11+25 Rx

    Mario 135, 5:45 (40#)
    Craig 205, 4:22 (45#)
    Chris 165

    Killa 175 (+10 PR)
    Kevin 205

    Joe M 16:12 Rx
    Matt C 19:48 (95, knee ups, 2xSU)
    Korba 24:06 (115, 3xSU)

  6. John

    Congrats T, we knew you’d pass!

    MJ, Nikki and I are headed to the Zach Miller WOD around 10:30 on Saturday. It should be a fun time!

  7. Killa

    BOOM Craig!

  8. Craig

    Reason number 3 why you are better then me.

  9. MJ

    Craig and Killa you are cracking me up! Congrats Tiana! I knew we would pass! So happy to have been there with you!
    Mike – I have to bartend Friday night so I wont get to kop until about 10. Maybe I will see you on your way out! Good luck and have fun:)
    Nik and John, awesome I’ll see you there!! Wear your Halloween costume John!!! I have to find some crazy hot socks!
    Killa – I want to be you when I grow up…I am in awe of your strength!
    OK so now my wod
    Did the chipper @ Sweat – 22:04 rx

  10. Tiana

    Sorry I’ll miss the event at KOP I’m in California until next Friday 🙁

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