It’s time for one of our favorite ICA traditions of the year – the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund Adopt-a Family Program. For the last 3 years, the ICA community has generously participated in this program, collecting gifts and gift cards for local families in need. This year we are sponsoring two families, totaling five kids. These families have children with serious health problems that have stressed the families emotionally and financially. We have the chance make these families’ holiday wishes come true!!
If you are interested in donating, there are several ways you can help: buy gifts off the kids’ wish lists (see below), buy gift cards that we will pass along to the families, or provide monetary donations that we (John and Nikki) will use to purchase gifts for the families.
A few notes:
- Donations and gifts must be dropped off at ICA by Friday December 6.
- All gifts must be unwrapped but labeled with the recipient’s name and family reference number
- Preferred gift cards: Walmart, Pathmark
- Lightly used toys are welcome
If we have a surplus of cash donations, as in previous years, we will make a donation to the Phoenixville Area Community Services (PACS) organization, which runs a local food pantry and provides utility and rental assistance for Phoenixville families in need.
Family 1, Reference haf2015-001432
Abigail is a 10 month old girl who was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) shortly after birth. CF is a progressive, multi-system genetic disease that is incurable and causes chronic lung disease and pancreatic insufficiency. Lung infections are common and result in repeat hospitalizations. The pancreas is also affected causing poor digestion, which often leads to poor growth. Abigail is seen on an outpatient basis every month to monitor changes in her respiratory status, growth and nutritional status. Abigail resides with her parents, sister, and 2 half-sisters. One of her half-sisters has a recurrent brain tumor and is also often hospitalized. Abigail’s father is the primary financial support. He is a plumber and a volunteer fire fighter. Her mother stays home to care for the two chronically ill children. The medical appointments and hospitalizations for both children are a financial drain. They have to pay out of pocket costs to come and go to medical appointments which include tolls, gas, food and parking. Recently Abigail’s father had an accident at work and has been out of work. Due to the financial strain this has caused, they were evicted from their apartment and are now living in a hotel. They do not qualify for any state funding for housing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Wish list for Abigail – Age 10 months
- Winter clothing – size 12 months
- Any age-appropriate toys, especially learning or developmental toys for infants
Wish list for Gwendolyn/Sister – Age 7
- Clothing size 7-8, likes purple
- Snow boots size 13 1/2 to 1
- Minecraft leggos with characters
- Likes Monster High
Wish list for Juliana/Sister – Age 14
- Snow boots women’s size 9.5
- Nail polish
- Make up
- Walmart gift cards
Wish list for Tye/Sister – Age 16
- Snow boots size women’s 6 1/2
- Nail polish
- Make up
- Walmart gift cards
Family 2, Reference haf2015-001435
Amir is a 4-year-old boy who was born with Soto syndrome. Soto Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder manifesting itself in rapid physical growth which begins in infancy and ends in the teenage years of life. This syndrome also affects Amir’s motor development and skills, his ability to eat and talk, his vision, and his growth pattern. After he was born, he remained in the neonatal intensive care unit of a local children’s hospital, and he has been hospitalized several times over the course of his short life. Currently, Amir lives at home with his mother and attends an early intervention preschool 5 days per week. He receives developmental therapies including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and special instruction by a vision specialist. Amir is making progress as he is beginning to eat pureed and soft foods. Mom has had to miss work to care for Amir. She incurs out of pocket costs for supplemental child care, transportation for medical care, and struggles to pay for utilities needed to keep the home warm or cool for Amir. Due to Amir’s rapid growth, it is very difficult for his mom to keep up his clothes and shoes, as the sizes change very fast. Any help you could provide this family to help them have a festive holiday season would be greatly appreciated!
Wish List for Amir – Age 4
- Undershirts size 5
- Colored socks
- Boots – size 13
- Pajamas – size 6
- Other clothing (Shirt size 5-7, Pants size 5, Coat size 7-8)
- Toys appropriate for a 2-3 year old, especially with lights and music
- Talking action figures
- Cars
- Toddler tractor / bike
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Oops just saw a typo. Gifts due by Friday Dec 4, and we’ll take cash/check/gift card donations thru Sunday Dec 6!
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