Find your 1 rep max for:
- Snatch
- Power Snatch
Cash Out: 100 situps or 50 GHD situps not for time
WOD Notes: Today you will establish a 1 rep max on both a snatch and power snatch. You may choose which one to focus on longer but you must get one of each. On both lifts, we are expecting Olympic standards to be upheld which means no pressing out at the top of the lift (you should land with your arms already extended). Compare snatch to 120723. Compare power snatch to 111101.
Below are two videos you may find helpful in preparing for the snatch.
This Post Has 13 Comments
I think my goal will be to stand up after the snatch….
Snatches on a Monday…brutal
Hah! This is grand… Phil and I happened to be on the same bus to DC Saturday afternoon, and we were discussing olympic lifts, and the snatch came up as one of the least favorite. Time to suck it up..
i think you misunderstood me tom. i happen to love snatches and wished ica programmed them in more of their wods.
its a darn shame i will be missing this great one tonight
Phil- I am concerned you may have bumped your head on the bus ride over the weekend…..I am pretty sure you mean you dont like these lifts and you are hoping ICA gets rid of snatches in there programming!! I am glad I could clear up this confusing situation! 😉
Thanks, Lindsey for this clarification!! I pretty sure I don’t want to see another snatch for awhile…just sayin’;)
ah yes i see what you did there.. i also fear the programmers may be on to me so therefore I completely agree with you and Jenn
like or dislike i just reread cherry pick and so i will be there tonight at 6:30
these vids are awesome btw
Snatchtastic Results! (squat / power)
Jacki N 45 / 60
Peter 115 / 65
Lindsey 75 / 75
Mickey 115 / 165
Dan J 135 / 135
Mario 115 / 115
Kim D 65 / 65
Jenn 75 / 65
Cuenca 45 (form) / 115
Rider 100 / 110
Matt C 115 / 115
Chris C 95 / 115
Natalie 75 / 85
Jess 65 / 65
Killa 105 / 105
Joel 70 / 80
Ron 35 / 75
Kehl 135 / 135
Brendan 115 / 115
Tiana 105 / 122
Nikki 118 / 108
John 185 / 175
Chloe 75 / 70
Sarge 95/85
Jimbo 125/125
Dani 80/75
Nick A 95/100
Laurie 65/75
Stacey 65/70
Kim H 75/75
Chase 115/135
Eric P 145/145
Sabol 145/125
Dan L 105/85
Tommy 25/105
AJ 35/85
Mark F 70/115
Great work to Jacki and Eric on their first night.
I really had a fun time tonight! Awesome first class!!
Oops…spelled my own name wrong. Lol
Results from O’Neill’s:
Barb 60 / 60
Scott 135 (ROM) / 115
Cragle 140 / 125
Forgot it is my responsibility to post this stuff, not really sure about weights. Still getting back into the swing of things. Unfortunately, my personal fall challenge begins today. I’ll have to overcome this month solo.
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