Thanks for another great week at ICA! Rest up, enjoy your weekend, and get ready for another fun week of WODs starting Monday!
Thanks to Chris, Mark, Scott, Natalie, Tiana, Sarge, and Jenn for representing ICA at CF Delaware Valley’s Will WOD for Beer! Almost everyone PR-ed on the clean & jerk ladder, and Tiana proved herself to be the strongest woman at the event with a 175# clean and jerk!!! It was a great turnout and we hope you had as much fun as we did getting to meet and throw down with some other local CrossFitters. Enjoy your rest day!
This Post Has 4 Comments
I’m sure joe probably won something. Joe
Nice work ica crew
I saw the videos of Natalie and T. Awesome job ladies!!
Thankfully I did not have to see a video or picture of Mark (at least not yet, he is still photo shopping them.)
Me too. Just watched the videos on Facebook. Awesome job ladies! T, you are one bad-ass chick!!!
Tmz will buy them. I love you joe.