Daily WOD – Jul 18, 2012

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=924uWscTEd0]

AMRAP in 16 minutes of:

  • 15 hang power clean (95/65#, NTE 55% 1RM clean)
  • 30 double unders

WOD Notes: Athletes- use a hook grip! Coaches – feel free to assign a burpee penalty. 🙂

Community Notes: On August 4th, after the ICA anniversary party / fundraiser, we (John and Nikki) are having a post-wedding get together at our house, and all ICA members are invited! It’s going to be a pot-luck style gathering, so please bring your favorite food and drinks to share. Show up anytime after 6pm. (Let us know if you plan to attend, and if you need directions!)


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Mark

    Breakfast Sandwich Club!

    Mickey – 8 (95, SU)
    Blake – 6+1 HPC (95, 15DU)
    Cindy – 10+3 HPC (35, SU)
    Gunter – 13+3 HPC (65, SU)
    Kim – 9+9 HPC (45, SU)
    John M. – 10+8 HPC (65, SU)
    Matt F. – 10+10 HPC (80, SU)

    Great intensity this morning and nice job for working on the hook grip. It’s awkward at first but really helps…especially in the later rounds!

    *SU = single unders
    *DU = double unders
    *HPC = hang power cleans

  2. tanner

    Sign me up for 530

  3. Laurie

    Awww, crap! We’re leaving for vacation the morning of the 4th so we’ll miss the anniversary/ post- wedding parties. 🙁 But we’ll be on our way to Niagra Falls, so we’ll just have to suck it up and have fun anyway. 😉

  4. Mark

    Nelly – Hott in Herre.


    Quentin – 8rds + 5 (85, SU…ouchie)
    Craig – 12rds + 15 (Rx)
    Korba – 8rds + 10 (65, SU)
    Nick – 7rds + 4 (80, 15DU)

  5. Killa

    5:30pm (still hott in herre)

    Laurie 5+35 (55)
    Stacey 6+45 (40,SU)
    Mike H. 5+5 (65,SU)
    Jess 7+11 (45,SU+DUA)
    Todd 8 (83,SU+DUA)
    Kevin 10 Rx
    Phil 7+25 Rx
    Chris C. 8+2 Rx

    Nice intensity even with the heat everyone!

  6. Jimbo

    Did this workout in the comfort of my own basement! RX 8 rounds +15 hang cleans + 10 Du. Too hot today! I am ready for September! No more hot weather please!

  7. Cragle

    O’Neill’s (hot and mosquitoey):
    Spotts 5+15 (55)
    Spence 6+10 (90)
    Cragle 8+9 Rx

  8. MJ

    Did this one at Sweat tonight
    MJ 7 + 12 Rx
    Tanner 8 full (1st 2 rounds were squat cleans) Rx

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