Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm to make up a workout you missed this last week! Your choices are:
- 4 rounds for time of: 20 unbroken KBS, 20 wall ball (20/14# to10/9′), 100m farmer’s carry (25/15# plates)
- Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3, then 50 toes to bar and 5 rope climbs (10 advanced) not for time
- Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, then choose-your-own accessory work
- With a partner complete 12 rounds (6 each) of: 12 box jumps (24/20″), 9 thrusters (95/65#), 6 push ups
- AMRAP in 16 minutes of: 15 hang power clean (95/65#), 30 double unders
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Seeking a partner for the interval WOD. I’ll be there around 530.
Seeking a partner…I enjoy outdoor activities and long walks on the beach.
Haha, I thought the same also that Kev placed a personal ad.
She’s so funny isn’t she?
That was pretty funny! I’m assuming he likes piña coladas?
And getting caught in the Rain.
Don’t forget: Staring deeply and intensely into someone’s eyes and sharing spaghetti.
Haha good stuff!
Spotts read about a vacation workout in her women’s fitness mag. Gave it a go.
60 squat jumps
50 butterfly situps
40 burpees
30 ring dips
20 jumping lunges
10 pushups
Spotts 14:04
Spencer 13:36
Cragle 11:40
Hey everyone, just a reminder:
Don’t forget to register for 31 Heroes @ under CrossFit Phoenixville!
It’s an awesome way to honor our fallen heroes by helping out their families! Even if you can’t make the workout on August 4, any/all donations go a long way for these families. Every little bit counts, let’s hit that goal ICA!
Make up results:
Craig 20:38 (70(KB). 24(WB), 45(pl))
Frank 20:25 (44, 20, 25)
Mike S 405(!)
Jess 85 + 30 T2B
Colin 5 rounds, pukie
Kev :43, :47, :51, 1:13, 1:15, 2:02
Chloe 7 rds (45#, DUA/SU, ouchie)
Sam 12 + 8HPC (75)
Peggy 8 (35/SU, stopped early)
John C 7 + 25 SU (65, SU)
Natalie 6 + 12 HPC (55, SU)
Make up results continued:
Scott 305#
MJ 250#
Sorry I missed you all! Tweaked my back at softball last night – hopefully in Monday, but if not, see you all in August….if they let me back in the country…
That sounds dangerous. Enjoy the trip abroad.