AMRAP in 20 minutes:
- 2 muscle ups
- 4 handstand push ups
- 8 KB swings (70/53#)
WOD Notes: Nate is a hero WOD in honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed during combat operations in Iraq on Feb 4, 2008. This WOD was first posted on the CrossFit mainpage on Feb 12, 2008. Anyone who doesn’t have muscle ups can scale to 2 ring rows and 2 ring dips for each muscle up. (Larger classes may have to scale to pullups and pushups.) Compare to 120518.
Nutrition Challenge Notes: If you’re participating in our “Open Shape Up Nutrition Challenge,” you’re halfway done! How are you feeling? Are you sticking to your diet? For anyone who didn’t start on Feb 11, it’s not too late to join in! Clean up your diet for the next two weeks and prime your body for the Opens.
Parking Notes: We know the parking area has been really muddy recently. Remember that you’re always welcome to park in the gated parking lot! It’s especially great for rainy or snowy days. Enter the parking lot at the corner where Wheatland Street makes a 90 degree turn. If Nikki or John parked there, the 2nd door from the right will be open. If the door is locked, dig deep (aka suck it up) and walk the 100m along the road!
This Post Has 5 Comments
That will get me out of bed at 6:15
This is my nightmare .
Results (Scale for MU was 4 RR and 4 pushups; Scale for HSPU was DB shoulder press)
Joe 12 Rx
Jenn 10+2 (MUT, 2-2-8)
Jacki 10+12 (RR, 2xAM, 44)
Nick V. 11+4 (RR, 24″, 53)
Jon 11 (PU ROM, 44, 30SP)
Craig 9 (HSPU and MU ROM)
Nikki 8+1 Rx
Killa 10 (1/2 MU, HSPU, 5MU then trans)
Brendan 11+2 (10+AM, BMU)
T 9+4 (70, 45+AM)
Sabol 7 (RR, AM)
Matt C. 12+8 (40# SP, RR)
Lindsey 11+4 (RR, 45+AM)
Rey 10+13 (RR, 15+AM)
Moira 13 (RR, 10’s, 15)
Kehl 13+3 Rx
Dani 10+4 (RR, 25+AM, 35)
Chase 10+14 (RR, 45+AM, 70)
Sarge 11+8 (RR, 25 DB, 44)
Peggy 12+4 (RR, PU ROM, 15, 26)
Jerry 9+0 (RR, 35 DB, 53)
Jess 13+4 (RR, 10+AM, 35)
Chloe 15+2 (RR, knees, 45+AM, 35)
Emily L 9+8 (RR, knees, 45+AM, 35)
Levy 12+0 (RR, 50 DB, 88)
Jackie B 9+2 (RR, 3 PU, 45+15+AM, 44)
Garrett 9+0 (RR)
Chamberlain 6+1 (1MU/rd)
Romanelli 11+0 (RR, 25+AM, 53)
Brian S 10+0 (RR, AM, 53)
Vic 11+2 (RR, AM, 2HSPU/rd, 53)
Mel 10+5 (RR, 15 DB, 26)
Kim D 11+0 (RR, 20 DB 350
Phil 7+0 Rx
Fili 9+9 (RR, 45+15+AM, 53)
Dan F 8+6 (RR, 25+AM, 53)
Scott 7+2 (RR, 45+25+AM, 53)
Korba 9+8 (RR, 25+AM)
Laurie 13+0 (RR, 20 DB, 44)
Tom M 11+4 (RR, 20 DB, 44)
Tom P 12+15 (RR, 45+10+AM)
I had 1 wall punch as well….
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