Daily WOD – Feb 19, 2020

Hannah showing a solid banded push up!

Bench Press 7×1 (1 second pause on chest, 90% 1RM)


Weighted Pull Up 1-1-1-1-1

WOD Notes:  Compare pull up to 160906.

Schedule Notes:  The power meet and member appreciation breakfast is a week and a half away!  Sign up in Wellness Living if you plan to attend.  Whether you are competing (having a coach judge your heaviest lifts) or just establishing a strength benchmark for the new year, you should definitely come on out.  Plus, there’s a delicious breakfast in it for anyone who shows up!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Smith!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Ricky

    Kyle E. 165
    Steve M. 235
    Kelly G. 85/15
    Franco 260/53
    Tyler 155/53
    Jenn T. 120/58 PR!
    Jenn P. 2×80, 5×77.5
    Sean G. 185/111
    Danielle 87/26
    Kehl 🙂
    Jim C. 165
    Pete P. 🙂
    Sean R. 275
    DE 245/88
    Faith 85×3,80×4/12
    Ryan B.🙂
    Missy 102.5/35
    Vince 170 PR!
    Luke L. 155
    Karen B.🙂
    Becca 80
    Paul 145
    Bob 125, 135×1
    Janet 140
    Meg V. 105/42
    Mado 105/45
    Marissa 80/ +4 chain
    Joel 315
    Pugh 125 (150×1)
    Chaz 175, sick chain selfie (12)
    Jere 205/53
    Saritha 🙂
    Stacey 113 PR!/ bar rows
    Tom G. 175
    Ricky 265/70
    Amy 90
    Zoe 35
    Alex W. 185/70
    Nick L. 225
    Kevin M. 265
    Smith 245/53
    Rick 185
    Fili 235/70
    Robbie 195/88
    Rey 155
    Tom B. 105/ bar rows
    Andrew 175
    Shawn C. 145/35
    Melissa 80
    Kirsten 110×6, 115×1 PR!

  2. Boelker

    Tim 155, 44
    Jeff 155, 35
    Marsha 65 (5×5), 4×10 P PVC Pulldowns
    Rocco 170 (4×5), 62
    Bob B. 245, BW
    Daria 😉
    TINA! 95
    Lombardi 100
    Jill 65 (5×5), P
    Jesse St. 205
    Shawn F. 205, 70
    Marco 180, 35
    Ryan H. 145, 35
    Joe 205
    Tim S. 235
    PTS 225, 106
    Tanya 150, 53

  3. Tanya

    Lori 🙂
    Kelly K 115/:)
    Averie 85/ FIRST PULL UP!!!
    Erik 165/42
    Rachel 80/15
    Chris W 125/:)
    Dan R 135/87dc
    Joe C 170
    John C 195/35
    Mike C 155/145×2
    Todd 165

    Dan T 165/88
    Dave W 255
    Eric B 175
    Francis 155
    Nicole W 90
    Ryan M 105

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