Daily WOD – Aug 14, 2013


Complete a full tabata of each movement:

  • Air squat
  • Push press (75/55#)
  • Sit up
  • Hang power clean (75/55#)

WOD Notes: A tabata is a four minute interval drill where you work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds for a total of 8 rounds. In this workout you’ll complete a full tabata of each movement, then move immediately into the next exercise (for a total of 16 minutes). Your score for each movement is the total reps completed.


This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Yay!! Tabata’s are my favorite 🙂

  2. John

    James 309 (24″, kbs)
    Nick V. 372 (65)
    Dave 368 Rx
    Sidlo 341 Rx
    Erin 311 (35)
    Mickey 345 (65)
    Jacki 223 Men’s Rx
    Marissa 331 (45)
    Jon 303 (65)
    Jenn 307 Rx+ 65
    Jess 358 (45)

    John 431 Rx

    Katie L. 353 (45)
    Tom S. 305 Rx
    Ron 270 Rx
    Hilary 312 Rx
    Jocelyn 260 (45)

    Nik 266 (10s on, 20s rest)
    Robbie 379 Rx
    Tanya 225 (35)
    Rey 369 Rx
    Matt C. 360 Rx
    Ginger 253 (45)
    Stuart 249 (55)

    Congrats and apologies to Jenn and Jacki for letting me convince them to Rx+ because I mixed up the weights. Way to power through anyway!

    1. Nick V

      Jenn and Jacki killed it. I felt badass just for being there when it happened.

    2. Erin

      Agreed with Nick! It was totally badass!!!

  3. Anna

    Hello from Crossfit Pure, Dacula,Ga-

    “Hansen” was on the plate: 5 rounds for time – 30 kettlebell swings 26#, 30 burpees, 30 abmat sit ups. (Time-35 min)

    For the official record- I detest burpees!

  4. Kehl


    B 363 Rx
    Lindz 377 Rx
    Peggy 261 (45)
    Kim 299 Rx
    Rick 319 Rx
    Chelsea 257 Rx


    Chris S. 261 (35)
    Scott 260 Rx
    Pugh 386 Rx
    Stacey 266 Rx
    Sarge 325 Rx

  5. Sarge


    Rachael 316 (45)
    Fili 292 Rx
    Pete 312 (55)
    Tina 309 (35)
    Kehl 325 (55)
    Laurie 326 (45)
    Angie 309 (35)
    Sara 357 Rx

  6. Sara R.

    I wish I got 357, it was 337. Great job Jacki on the mens rx, you lady beast!

  7. B

    This was horrible…

    1. Lindsey

      Yeah Jacki!! You are an animal:)

  8. Barb

    O’Neill’s Garage:
    Brian 356 rx
    Barb 287 rx
    Lizzy 207 at #35
    Mama Spencer 217 replaced sit ups w kte.

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