Make Up Day – Jun 18, 2015

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Deadlift 5-3-3-2-1-1 then 3x10R/10L walking lunges (30% 1RM deadlift)
  2. Complete 4 rounds for max reps in a minute of clapping push ups, walking lunges (45/25#), Russian twists (45/25#), rest
  3. “Nasty Girls” – complete 3 rounds for time of 50 air squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 hang power cleans (135/95#)
  4. Bamboo bench press 20-20-20 then bench press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  5. Complete 3 rounds not for time of: 10 box jumps (AHAP), 20 deadlifts (60%), 10 L-sit pull ups

Schedule Notes:  Don’t forget that today at 9:30 is the first CrossFit Endurance class at ICA being run by Coach Kehl.  He will be posting the WOD to comments shortly!  Sign up in mindbody.


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Kehl

    CrossFit Endurace WOD

    5 Rounds
    200m sprint
    15 unbroken wallballs (20/14#, 10’/9′)
    10 burpees
    Rest 2 minutes between rounds


    “Cash Out”
    5min EMOM (every minute on the minute)
    100m sprint

    Looking forward to the first CFE class! Feel free to make this up during Open Gym!

    1. Dave

      Damn normal 9-5 job. This looks AMAZING!!!!

  2. Dave

    Anyone want to go on an easy trail run down at Lock 60 tomorrow? I am going at 5:00 and Erin is going with a non ICA (temporary condition) friend around 6:30.

    1. Erin Burke

      I will tell you that my expected pace will be around 10 min miles. Looking to get 4 miles in.

    2. Laurie

      I would have loved to join you, but I don’t get out of work until 4:30, and I’m in KOP. :-/

  3. Vince

    Not sure if this is the best place to post this and I know it’s short notice, but is anyone interested in running a Spartan Super on July 11th in Palmerton, PA? My buddy broke his hand and dropped out. I don’t mind going alone but it tends to be more fun with teammates. Plus, if I die out on the mountain somewhere, at least my body will be found. 🙂

    1. Dave

      Vince, Great place to post this. Erin and I will be on vacation, but there are a few obstacle/adventure/mud runners in the crowd…

  4. Kehl

    Fili 2:16, 2:56, 3:29, 3:48, 3:05 Rx
    Erik P. 2:28, 2:20, 2:41, 3:10, 3:17 (row, 14#)
    Julie R. 2:21, 2:08, 2:20, 2:57 (wb fail), 2:30 Rx
    Jess V. 2:12, 2:07, 2:17, 2:31, 2:21 (12#)
    Sarah W. 1:58, 2:11, 2:37, 3:00, 2:47 (row)
    Mel 2:09, 2:23, 2:57, 3:09, 2:50 Rx

    Great job!!

    1. Mel

      Great class Kehl!

    2. Jess

      Enjoyed the class!

  5. Erik

    Great Class Coach. Enjoy is not the word that comes to mind, but it was definitely a healthy workout.

    1. Fili

      I’m with Erik. I felt good like 2 hours later when I finally recovered.

  6. Julie

    I loved the endurance class! Can’t wait until next week!

  7. Laurie

    Can’t join you for the Endurance Wods, but please keep posting the workouts, Mark. I’ll do them on my own, if I can. This looks like an awesome class. Bummed that I can’t be there.

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