Make Up Day – Feb 28, 2013

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Banded box back squats 12×2 then death by 10yd dash
  2. “Karen” – 150 wallballs for time (20/14# to 10/9′)
  3. Hang power clean 5-5-5-5-5 then 30 burpees for time (50 advanced)
  4. “Nate” – AMRAP in 20 minutes of 2 muscle ups, 4 hand stand push ups, 8 KBS (70/53#)
  5. Teams of 3 or 4 complete 30 power cleans (115/75#), 60 KBS (53/35#), 90 double unders, 60 lunges, 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Yay Mario!!! So proud of you!!! We all know that you are going to be one heck of a Seal!! : )

  2. Kehl

    Great video! Rock on Mario!

  3. Sabol

    Awesome video is right! Mario, you became a really good athlete and will make a heck of a Seal!

  4. Chamberlain

    Great job passing your ASVAB test Mario! Now the easy part, boot camp and BUD/S. 🙂

  5. Phil

    Watch out kehl, this kid is out-inspiring you!

    Congrats Mario!

  6. Jackie

    Wow – had no idea! AMAZING story – good luck Mario! And so proud to be a part of this community : )

  7. Brendan

    Awesome video, I had no idea John was tutoring Mario! what a testament to you both and your dedication. Great job Mario keep going!

  8. Katie

    Great video! Inspirational, goes to show if you truly put your mind to something it can be achieved! Mario, keep up the good work and what do the seals say…”Hu-Rah!” Go get ’em!

  9. T

    So proud of you Mario!! Keep up the good work and congratulations on passing your test.

  10. ICA admin

    Box squats
    Chloe 75 MM, 5-13
    Kelly 65 MM, 5-15

    Vic 9:12 Rx
    Kim H. 11:14 Rx
    Maggie 10:10 (100)

    Sara R. 10 (RR/RD, 25+2AM, 44#)
    Sajan 9 (RR/RD, 30#, 44#)

    John 8:54 Rx
    Craig 9:22 Rx

    Brendan (200 SU)
    Kev Rx
    Chamberlain Rx

    Linds Rx
    Kim D. (55, 30 DU, 12#)
    Nik Rx

  11. Sarge

    Mario! this video was amazing. I watched it multiple times!! I’m proud of you!

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