Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts. This week the choices are:
“The Chief” – 5 x 3 minute AMRAPs of 3 power cleans (135/95#), 6 pushups, 9 squats
EMOM for 30 minutes – Snatch
Teams of 3 complete 10 rope climbs, 150 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 100 pullups, 75 sandbag cleans (45/25#), 50 sandbag burpees, 10 rope climbs
Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 8x40yd dash
“Nikki” – 1000m row, 25 OHS (135/95#), 25 toes through rings, 25 KB swings (70/53#), 50 abmat situps
Community Notes: There will be a “grab bag” after the workouts on Saturday so remember to bring a 5 dollar gift if you are interested!
This Post Has 9 Comments
New movie for Crossfitters by Michael Bay … the trailer says it all:
I can not wait!
Haha. Bill Simmons said it best: “There’s a chance that a movie reviewer might describe this as “Boogie Nights crossed with Fast and Furious crossed with Pumping Iron crossed with Michael Bay.””
As long as Vin Diesel has a guest appearance, I’m pretty sure that makes this movie the runaway best movie ever.
I need a pump..I need a pump!! Feels good..
“Hurts!? I know it does! Get It!”
This has classic written all over it!
Kevin, that is offensive.
well when that movie comes out- Nikki, Sara, Nat and I will be busy!!!!
The Chief
Tom F 4/2/2/2/2 = 12 Rx
Moira 3/2/3/2/2 = 12 (scale)
Jackie 3/3/2/2/2 = 12 (75#)
Justin 4/4/3/3/3 = 17 Rx
Natalie 3/3/2/2/3 = 13 (75#, knees)
Maggie 3/2/2/3/3 (75#, knees, sit up)
Thruster 2RM
Bryan 175
EMOM Snatch
Scott 115
Sabol 115
Craig 16:40 Rx+ (106# KB, 25 GHD)
Mike V 14:11 Rx+ (106# KB, 25 GHD)
Kim D 16:56 (55# OHS, 53 KB)
Gunter 16:00 (65# OHS, 53 KB)
Kev 13:09 WRx
Sara 13:42 Rx