I.C.A Coaching Interns

Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in becoming a Coaching Intern at ICA. We are proud to announce the selection of three new interns! Please take the time to congratulate each one; we are excited to have them on board. Each intern is already a Level 1 CrossFit Trainer, with lots of experience to help you reach your goals. You’ll start seeing these three shadowing classes in the near future. In no particular order… (okay, its alphabetical)…

Tiana (aka  "T")
Tiana Johnson
Mike V.
Mike Viola
Phil Zhu

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Jenn

    Congrats T, Mike, and Phil!!!

  2. Lindsey

    Congrats Tiana, Mike and Phil! You all will be great coaches!!!

  3. Kevin

    Congrats to all. I especially look forward to Phil’s first class coaching where he gets to tell someone coming in late to do burpees.

    1. Kehl


  4. Sabol

    Congrats T, Mike and Phil!

  5. Jerry D

    Congratulations to all 3 of you! Looking forward to seeing you in action.

  6. Jackie

    Awesome – great job to everyone who applied : )

  7. Kim

    Congratulations Phil, T and Mike!

  8. Nick

    Congrats Phil, T, and Mike V! I guess I’ll be seeing more of yall.

  9. The Buzz

    Congrats everyone!

  10. Mike V.

    Thanks, gang! Pumped to learn a lot from the ICA coaches you all know and love… and start to help you guys reach your goals!

  11. Mar

    Congrats to the three of you! I look forward to having you correct my form over and over and over…..

  12. Chamberlain

    Congratulations to all you guys!

  13. Kehl

    Woohoo! Welcome aboard P.M.T.!

    Now…get me my coffee so I can pour it out and you can get me more…rookies!

    Nikki & John, is hazing allowed? I may be able to get my hands on a 50 gallon drum of honey and 10lbs of feathers.

    1. Mel

      Congrats to all !!

  14. MJ

    Congratulations Tiana, Phil and Mike!!!! Exciting stuff!!

  15. Garrett Shatzel

    Nice work guys! Congrats to the 3 of you!! Not sure that I’ve met Mike but looking forward to it brother. I continue to see you post impressive numbers. All 3 of you are motivation and make me want to improve! Keep Rockin it!

  16. Laurie

    So thrilled to hear the news! Congratulations Mike, T and Phil. You’ll all do great!

  17. Killa

    Congrats guys, and don’t worry we’ll save you from Kehl! 😉

  18. Brendan

    Congrats everyone!

  19. McGonigal

    Congrats T, Phil and Mike. This is great news for everyone at ICA!

  20. jimbo

    Congrats guys! Way to go!

  21. Emily

    Congrats T, Phil and Mike! Can’t wait to be back soon with you all as coaches.

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