12 Days of Christmas!

Due to high demand for the 12 days of Christmas WOD (this Saturday), we just added a new class time – at 7:30am. That’s right – for all you early birds, here is your shot to get into and out of the gym before 9am! If you previously registered for the 9am or 10:30am and want to switch to 7:30am, you should be able to do that through MindBody. If you have any trouble, ask Nikki or John for help. Also – due to the new class time we will NOT be having Barbell Club this Satuday. We apologize for any inconvenience.


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Jenn

    How long will this WOD take???

  2. ICA admin

    Good question. Last year the times were between 33 and 55 minutes, with most around 40 minutes. The longer than normal class times are so we can allow time for warm up, instruction, the WOD, and a $5 grab bag afterwards!

  3. Brandy

    Im in for 7:30 : ) Thanks for adding!

  4. Jerry

    Ok, what does the workout consist of?

  5. Nikki

    “12 Days of Christmas”

    Day 1 = 1 run (200m)
    Day 2 = 2 deadlifts (225/155#)
    Day 3 = 3 box jumps (30/24″)
    Day 4 = 4 push ups (clapping for guys)
    Day 5 = 5 seconds L-sit hold
    Day 6 = 6 wall ball (20/14″ to 10′)
    Day 7 = 7 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
    Day 8 = 8 kettlebell SDHP (53/35#)
    Day 9 = 9 burpees
    Day 10 = 10 walking lunge (5R/5L)
    Day 11 = 11 knees to elbow
    Day 12 = 12 keg to overhead (105/75#)

  6. Nikki

    You do the workout like you sing the song. Round 1 you do Day 1. Round 2 is Day 2 + Day 1. Round 3 is Day 3 + Day 2 + Day 1…. Round 12 is Day 12 all the way down to Day 1

    1. Jerry

      Thank you. I figured it had something to do with the song. It was the movements I was wondering about.

  7. Lindsey

    I am excited for this WOD!!! 🙂

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