Football WOD – Sep 4, 2016

Mel crushing thrusters!
Mel crushing thrusters!

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 5 hang power clean (185/115#)
  • 7 supine ring row
  • 9 box jumps (20/16″)

WOD Notes:Β  Ring rows should start as close to parallel as possible. Advanced athletes can use a box to elevate their feet and start below parallel. Note the box jumps are lower than normal, so go fast on them! Compare to CFFB WOD 160901.

Community Notes:Β  Happy Birthday Conn and Lombardi!


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jen and Bella

    Happy birthday nurse Lombardi and a special happy birthday to my love!!! Yay!!

  2. Nikki k

    Happy Birthday Lonbardi!
    Happy birthday Conn!

  3. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Conn and Lombardi!! πŸ™‚

  4. Sarge


    Nikki 6+15 (85)
    Emma 7+2 (45, 12)
    Caine 7+5 (115, box rows, 24″)
    Vollmer 7+3 (165, 24″)
    Katie πŸ™‚
    Alexa πŸ™‚
    Danielle πŸ™‚
    Jeff 9+5 (105)
    Eric 7 (155)
    Tim 8 (105)
    Dmith 6+3 (135, 24″)
    Mel πŸ™‚
    Chris 6+10 (105)

    Patrick (155)
    DK πŸ™‚
    Zoo πŸ™‚
    MB πŸ™‚ (75)
    James 8+1 (165, high pull)
    Nicole 9+5 (75)
    Fenn 7 (55)

  5. Sigal

    Happy birthday to Conn and Lombardi. Is Lombardi old enough to drink yet?

    1. Lombardi

      Thank you everyone!! And yes I’m old enough to drink!!!

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