Make Up Day – June 4, 2015

Welcome Erik M!
Welcome Erik M!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 tonight to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Shoulder press 1-1-1-1 then push press 1-1-1-1-1 then split jerk 1-1-1-1
  2. Teams of 4 complete 4 rounds for time of 400m run, 30 Russian KBS (70/53#), 30 box jumps (24/20″), 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 30 double unders
  3. AMRAP in 15 minutes of 3 front squats (1.25xbodyweight NTE 75%), 1 rope climb, 10 push ups
  4. Back Squat 5-3-3-2-1-1-1 then 5x5R/5L KB single leg deadlifts
  5. Complete for time 80 box jumps (10/6″), 70 tuck ups, 60 DB muscle snatches (35/25#), 50 squats, 40 mountain climbers (20R/20L), 30 burpees, 20 HSPU
  6. Partner Interval complete 20 rounds for time of 5 hang power cleans (70%), 100m sprint

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Nikki

    We need your input! Do most people have Friday July 3 off, or are many of you working? In other words, should we have a holiday schedule or a regular class schedule that day? Thanks!!

    1. Chris

      I was hoping to make the 12 noon on 7/3/15

    2. Kehl's Thoughts

      I have off that day, and every other day all summer

    3. Dave

      We will be away on vacation.

    4. Patrick

      Kehl – is that “every other day” or just “every day” all summer…?

  2. Dave

    Late add to the calendar. This Saturday, at CrossFit Apex in Souderton, Diane Fu is holding an all day Olympic Lifting Seminar that I am attending with friend and Apex coach (honorary ICA member Todd Pollock). Here’s the summary:

    “Spend a full day with Coach Diane Fu of FuBarbell at CrossFit Apex in Souderton, PA learning movement progressions and technical drills for improvement in the snatch and clean & jerk. This course is appropriate for coaches, trainers, and athletes of all levels looking to improve upon their own technical proficiency while gaining further understanding of the foundational principals applied in weightlifting. No previous experience with the Olympic lifts is required, but attendees should be reasonably versed with basic strength movements such as those found in CrossFit.

    Attendees should be prepared for an active day of practical work separated by brief lectures. Lectures will cover topics ranging from basic mobility to improve Oly positioning, technical details of the lifts, and practical programming for athletes and/or the beginning weightlifter. Attendees will also have the opportunity to perform the snatch and clean & jerk under actual working loads and receive feedback, coaching and corrections from Coach Fu throughout the day.”

    There are 11 spots left and this promises to be a top notch, high quality seminar and practical workshop, and at a reasonable price. If absolutely anyone is interested in going, please let me know, and get your registration on here:—jun-6-2015

  3. Brian

    I am taking that day off and Leaving for CT in the afternoon, but want to get in before I leave.

  4. Kehl - The Real Deal

    It is summer for me so whoever claimed to be me didn’t get the facts straight… I do not have every other day off, I have off every day!

    I will most likely be traveling the globe.

  5. Sabol

    I am off, so I was planning to do one of the earlier classes that day.

  6. Patrick

    Welcome Erik…

  7. Robbie

    I’ll be off so I’ll probably do an earlier class.

  8. Tav

    Tav’s will be off and in an early class. Not too early though, you damn breakfast clubbers.

  9. Tina

    I will be working but am 50/50 on Fridays.

    Welcome Erik.

  10. Erik

    Welcome Erik. I like your name – and I don’t think anyone will confuse who is who between us.

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