Daily WOD – Jun 5, 2015

21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Power snatch (115/75#)
  • Chest to bar pull ups

WOD Notes: This is a challenging couplet but should still move quickly! Pick modifications that allow you to hit a high intensity and keep on moving. Single reps are okay, as along as they’re FAST singles.


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Dave

    Oh my.

  2. Tina

    We are meeting at Buhos in P-ville for drinks on Saturday around 6. As always, the more the merrier.

    1. Danielle

      I’d love to come but I have my kids this weekend!!

    2. Dave

      The head chef and manager, Angel, has promised to make for me a jalapeno and habanero infused margarita. Does that count as post-WOD carbohydrate replenishment?

      I’ll leave by 5:59 to make way for the ladies…

    3. Tav

      We can do guys night in at my place. Starting around 4. Because I am lazy and a start at 6 means a late finish. As always, the more the drunkier.

  3. jimbo

    Yeah, I don’t think my traps are ready for the snatches so I will have to pass. Still killing from Weds workout. This is a good one though!!

  4. ICA admin


    Dan E 10:01 Rx
    Jenn 10:59 Rx
    Patti 9:35 (30-20-10 HPC, 45#, P)
    Patrick M =) (95)
    Allen 13:04 (65)
    Allison K 9:57 (65 PC)
    Tana 9:34 (40, P)

    Julie M 10:12 (35, MF)
    Tom S 16:30 (C&J)
    Danielle 13:27 (45, 15-10-5 strict)
    MB 8:19 (55, 15-10-5 strict)
    Katie N 14:07 Rx
    Carl 12:20 (DC C2B)
    Ron 16:35 (DC C2B)
    Erik 14:51 (65)
    Sarah L 10:58 (55, 15-10-5 strict)
    Rick 16:02 (85)
    Moira 9:29 (2x kbs, RR)
    Paul 12:20 (95)
    GIB 14ish (65 HPC&J, RR)

    Patrick S 14:44 (95, strict PU)
    Katie L 10:40 (55, P+2mf)
    Nadine 13:13 (35, P+P)

    Maggie 8:13 (65, PU)
    Zhu 9:50 Rx
    Robbie 11:45 (105)
    Gae 12:45 (45 HPC, RR)
    Linds =)
    Jeff 11:50 (95 PC, RR)
    Nick V 11:41 (95, RR)
    Sabol 13:17 Rx
    Steve P 12:05 (RR)
    Keri 9:34 (45 HPS, RR)
    Todd 11:30 Rx
    Adam 13:16 (85, 7C2B then PU)

    Tav 13:15 (-9 C2B – ouchie!)
    Erik M 14:02 (strict PU)
    Kehl 10:46 (95, PU)
    Natalie 12:03 (55, RR)
    Janna 9:19 (45 PC, RR)
    Cathy 10:30 (45 PC, RR)
    Nikki K 8:40 (60PC, RR)
    Kelly K 9:54 (55, 14-10-6)
    Julie 9:16 (55, RR)
    Tina 8:40 (45, RR)
    Joe W 10:08 (800-400-200m run, RR)
    Sarge =)

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