Make Up Day – Jan 14, 2016

Come in tonight between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Fight Gone Strongman – stone to shoulder, keg presses, tire flips, weighted pullups, farmer carries
  2. DB bench press 5×10 then max consecutive wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  3. Complete 6 rounds for time of: 4 HPC (185/115#), 4 split jerks (185/115#), 4 broad jumps, rest 45s
  4. With a 12 minute clock complete 1000m row then an ascending ladder by 3’s of KB swings (53/35#) and MB cleans (20/14#)
  5. Alternating EMOM for 20 minutes of: 2 cleans (75%), 8 pull ups and 8 push ups
  6. Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (5s eccentric phase)

Reminder:  Coach Kehl will be running a CFE class tomorrow at 4:30. Check the comments for the workout and sign up in mindbody if you plan to attend!




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  1. Kehl

    4min amrap
    400m run
    10 thrusters (75/55)
    20 box jumps
    30 Hang Power Clean (75/55)
    *3min rest

    6min amrap
    400m run
    10 thrusters
    20 box jumps
    30 HPC
    *3min rest

    8min amrap
    400m run
    10 thrusters
    20 box jumps
    30 HPC

    Each AMRAP will start with a 400m…then the AMRAP portion applies to the 10-20-30 reps. You will only run 1, 400m/AMRAP.

    You will not complete the 4min AMRAP. The goal is to get further and further each time. If you complete the 400m, 10-20-30 reps, start back on the thrusters.

    1. Dave

      “You will not complete the 4 minute AMRAP…”

      Thinly veiled challenge, Kehl. Very thinly veiled…

    2. Kehl

      Challenge accepted?

    3. Dave


      (Read: “Yes.”)

  2. Kehl

    Dave 67, 93, 140 Rx
    Erin 54, 80, 108 Rx
    Betsy 39, 55, 81 (45 – 10FS, 5 barbell rows)
    Mel 35, 61, 75 Rx
    Jenn 43, 64, 85 Rx+ (22″)
    Tav 31, 60, 75 Rx
    MB 30, 64, 75 Rx
    Moira 23, 50, 74 (35FS)
    Austin 69, 98, 146 Rx
    Brooks 48, 70, 90 Rx
    Mike C. 58, 79, 84 Rx
    Steve 38, 52, 64 Rx

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