Make Up Day – Apr 14, 2016

KTN tossing up a split jerk!
KTN tossing up a split jerk!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Deficit Deadlift 5×5 (80%) then 20 keg to shoulder
  2. Max reps in 3 minutes at each of the following stations: KBS (53/35#), pull ups, wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), OH walking lunges (45/25#)
  3. 6 rounds for time of: 5Rt KB snatches (53/35#), 5 Rt KB thrusters (53/35#), 10 burpees, 5 Lt KB snatches, 5 Lt KB thrusters
  4. AMRAP in 13 minutes of ascending ladder by 3’s: thrusters (115/75#), run 200m after each round.
  5. Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 1 minute of: planks, toe touches, tuck ups, Russian twists, butterfly abmat sit ups
  6. “The Baseline” 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups, rest and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Schedule Notes:  Coach Kehl will be running CFE tomorrow at 4:30.  Check the blog tonight for the workout and sign up in MindBody if you plan to attend!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Allen!


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Kehl

    CFE @ 4:30

    In 30 Minutes
    45 Deadlifts (155/105)
    30 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
    15 Squat Cleans (155/105)
    *At the start of every 5 minutes: 400m Run*

    If you complete the workout in the 30 minutes, you will still run the 400m.
    The 400m runs start…

    If I finish the workout in 17:35, I still have to run a 400m at the 20:00 minute mark and the 25:00 minute mark.

  2. Kehl

    Happy birthday Allen!

  3. Nikki k

    Happy Birthday Allen!

  4. Chris S

    Happy birthday Allen

  5. Dave

    HBD Allen!

  6. Sam

    Rach 19:45 (105, 75, 75)
    Lombardi (105, 95, 85)
    Erin 18:17 Rx
    Mike C. 18:00 Rx
    Kelly D. 19:04 (95-65-65)
    Vanessa 19:01 (45)
    Jeannette 18:08 (85, 65, 55)
    Steve 19:40 (155, 145, 135)
    Brooks 19:37 (85, 95, 95)
    Duris 23:11 Rx (PC/FS)

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