Daily WOD – Nov 9, 2013


Katie L, impressive!
Katie L, impressive!

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3


20 gymnastics pullovers NFT

WOD Notes: Click HERE to see a video demonstration of a pullover. If you can’t perform a pullover, the sub will be “skin the cats” or a 3 minute tuck hold on the paralettes.  Feel free to complete this WOD during 8:00am barbell club.


This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Sara R.

    That’s adorable.

  2. Hilary

    Thanks guys, because if I can’t do one pullover I’m going to feel real bad about myself! Ha!

  3. Kehl

    Is that McGonigal’s daughter? Would anyone be surprised if it was? He only produces outstanding citizens and world class athletes…and gymnasts

    1. Tom Pugh

      Personally I thought she looked a bit like you mark…

  4. Tina

    I agree with Hillary. Lol

  5. Holly

    Is the first class tomorrow (not barbell) at 9am or 8:30am? I gotta find out how much time I have to bike before 🙂

    1. Holly

      Oh wait… New class schedule starts Nov 16th. My bad

  6. Nikki

    Good luck to Lindsey and OMC as they compete in a strongman competition in NY today!!! Represent!

  7. Nikki Knapp

    Good Luck Lindsey and OMC!

  8. Sara R.

    Good luck guys!!!

  9. Laurie

    I’m gonna opt for what’s behind Curtain #2 and take the chance that I can actually DO Sunday’s WOD. Good luck and have fun in New York, Lindsey and OMC!

  10. Phil

    Phil: 235 off the floor

    Get em guys!!

  11. John


    8:00 a.m. barbell
    Joel 95, inverted holds
    Hilary ??, pull overs

    Tina 65, tuck hold
    Heather 60, tuck hold
    Rey 155, po
    Robbie 150, po
    HOagie 150, ?
    John 215, po
    Dan 195, po
    Jon 120, STC
    Sarge 105, TH
    Jess 90, po
    Katie L. 80, STC

    Jackie T. 105, pull over
    Sara R. 90, pull over/stc
    Nik 130, pull over
    Jocelyn 110 front squat, tuck hold
    Tom P. 165 pull over
    Jimbo 145 pull over

    This is late but hats off to Tom P. for hitting his first muscle up on Thursday night!! Well done, keep it up!

  12. Hilary

    105# for me!

    Way to go, Tom!!

    1. Hilary

      Have to add… Awesome pic, Katie! Sarge, your face in this picture is CLASSIC! 🙂

    2. Sara R.

      I have to agree that is a cool pic Katie!

    3. Tom P


  13. OMC

    Thanks for all the support guys! Lindsay and I both came in 6th in our weight classes.
    Perfect for us, we got to skip the last workout. Haha!

    1. Katie

      Hilary you is too kind! I’m impressed by the weight lifted. Superb.

    2. Lindsey

      Thanks peeps!!! We had a great time- we represented ICA well!!!

  14. Tina

    Great job OMC & Lindsey!!!

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