Daily WOD – Nov 25, 2017
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Oly WOD:
1) rack jerk + BTN press in jerk split stance: (3+3) x3
2) Dip+dip+pause jerk: (1+1+1) x3 pause in the catch of the jerk for 3 seconds with a focus on footwork.
3) power clean + push jerk + jerk: (1+1+1) x3 @63% 1RM clean and jerk
4) snatch pull: 4×3@ 80% 1RM snatch
5) 3 sets of: 15 weighted sit ups, side plank 60 seconds right/left, 1 arm DB press while holding other arm overhead x10 right/left
Luke 7+3 (115FS< 25PP) Tina 3+ (45, RD) luke M. 5+6 (115 FS, pu) Vollmer 4+13 Rx Emma 🙂 Marla 5+10 (5 strict, 2"0 Daria 9+10 (20#PP, 55 HPC) Chris M. 🙂 Ed 🙂 (135 FS, pu) Pete P. 6 (95BS, pu) Christine 5+9 (65 fS, 4 pu) Franco 5 (115 fS, pu) Vine 8 (65FS< PU0 Mike D> 🙂
Pat B. 🙂 (135 FS< pu) Kerry 6+9 (5 pu, 75BS) Frank W. 6+3 (pu) 9:30 Nik 7+9 Rx Marissa W. 5 (55fS, 5xMF) Bri 5 (55FS, MF) Abby 6+5 (55FS, RR) Cindy 5+9 (65, PU) Greg 5 (95 FS, pu) Rey 7+4 (65FS, pu) Jim C. 3+6 (75, 5")