Sumo deadlift 4 x 10
alternating with
4 x 200m sprint
WOD Notes: Minutes 0, 4, 8, and 12 you’ll complete a set of 10 sumo deadlifts. The weight should be challenging but unbroken with good form (approx. 60-70% of your 1 RM). Minutes 2, 6, 10, and 14 you’ll complete a max effort sprint. Anyone needing less impact can sub a 250 meter row or a 45 second sprint on the airdyne bike.
Community Notes: Happy birthday Ed!
Schedule Notes: We are running 3 classes today: 8:30am, 9:30am, and 5:00pm. Sign up in Wellness Living to reserve your spot!
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5pm Results
Greg 145
Danielle 145
Dani 50
Ryan 295
Kerry 85
Jeff 185
Sara 65
Bob 225
Kristen 65
Tommy 155
Chris 225
Caine 🙂
Vince 55
Luke 185
Cindy 95
KtL 145
Pat B. 255
Ed 205
Nicole W 95
Daria 105
MIke 165
Pat S.
Frank 185
Erik 185
Ben 65
Brianna 75
Zabs 255
Boelker 275
Smith 275
Karen 135
Jenn 215
Shawn 155
Chase 275225
Dani 175
Kelly K. 🙂
Eric 285
Marla 155
Kyle 185
Andrew 2 rds, 225
John C. 185