Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Thrusters (95/65#)
- Pull ups
WOD Notes: Compare to 120612.
Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:
WOD Notes: Compare to 120612.
© 2024 Iron Cross Athletics
1041 W. Bridge Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460
John: 717-572-3994
Nikki: 203-558-7281
This Post Has 34 Comments
Oh crap!
Ouch. I want to make this up next week! Maybe…
FACT: no one loves Fran more than John!
FACT: no one hates Fran more than me.
FACT: no one hates me more than Joe.
FACT: no one loves me more than Joe.
FACT: Kehl spends a lot of time thinking about me
FACT: true.
Only us girls and John representing this morning…what’s up with that???;)
Dont worry gentlemen….the ladies will protect you from FRAN!! Nice work this morning girls!! 🙂
Joe, that is FACT.
True story.
Morning Results:
Lindsey 10:22 Rx
Jenn 7:18 Rx
Kim D 8:44 (55, G)
Jacki 10:55 (55, G+MM)
Great intensity, its not easy doing Fran this early in the morning!
Tom F 14:38 (65, G)
Tom S 12:45 (65, G)
Scott 15:52 (G)
Jason 7:02 (65, P)
Matt C 11:08 Rx with strict pullups!
I like it! An all girls 6:15am followed by an all guys 9:30am. Next week we’ll divide the classes by hair color?!? (Killa, you get your own class)
Looks like Jimbo and Kev have off that night.
Fran and I are no longer friends.
Sorry Scott!
I’m with Scott…Fran is dead to me.
I also don’t like this talk of discrimination against us follicly challenged people.
Haha I like it Nik, granted I’m still a redhead come thurs 😉
Mark-those with comb overs are also prohibited, sorry bud 🙁
My heart rate and pulse have officially picked up.
these comments have taken a turn.
i really did not want to go to that ‘place’ again today
but if the girls laid it down on fran at 6:15 in the morning theres really no excuse..
Yea, we pretty much put Fran in her place…if the girls can do it, then a big strong guy like yourself can have a good time with Fran…
Yeah Phil, go get her!
O’Neill’s Garage
Can’t believe no one would do this with me!
A very slow Barb time 17:02
but a very happy first time Fran RX!
Nice job Barb!! Get it girl!!!
Woohooo!! Nice job, RX!!!
Awesome job Barb!!
Badass barb! That’s awesome
Afternoon Results
Jackie 10:59 (55, P)
Korba 12:01 Rx
Nikki 3:43 Rx
Joe 4:14 Rx
Emily 8:56 (35# to 16″, G+mm)
Joel 11:16 (45, G)
Chase 8:13 (mm)
Dan L 6:10 (65#)
John 8:13 (45# DB, strict PU)
Tom 9:30 (G, strict)
Mel 10:38 (35, G+mm)
Rachael 9:28 (45, P)
Phil 3:44 Rx
WHOA John, you took 20# away from me?! Was it because I kept talking during the instructions?
Lol, sorry! Will fix it!
Kehl check this out….right up your alley. http://bit.ly/VIFQFH
Phil, nice work. I may have to change to the 6:30 slot, so I can take my game to a new level.
Hell yeah joe and nice work! Sabol’s been standing me up lately..
Can’t believe I missed Fran. Stupid second interview.
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