Daily WOD – Nov 12, 2012

Thanks for visiting Susan!

Back squat 3-3-3-3-3


AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

  • 1 power clean, 1 chest to bar pull up
  • 2 power cleans, 2 chest to bar pull ups
  • etc…

WOD Notes: The Rx weight for the power clean is 185/110#, NTE 80% of your 1RM power clean.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. ICA admin


    Mario 195, 5+0 (155, C2B)
    Gunter 155, 5+3 (115, PU)
    Todd V 275, 6+5 (135, DC C2B)
    Stew 225 ROM, 5+11 (115, 1/2 C2B)
    Marissa 90, 6+12 (45, P+mm PU)
    Lindsey 165, 6+1 (95, PU)
    Jenn 175, 6+4 (95, C2B)
    Jess 125, 5+0 (65, PU)
    John W –, 7+2 Rx
    Mike V –, 7+1 Rx

    Brendan 200, 5+8 (125, C2B)
    Chris C. 250, 6+1 (165, C2B)
    Jason 225, 6+0 (115, C2B)
    Tanner 315, 6+3 Rx
    Matt C. 315, 7+0 (135, C2B Strict)
    Susan 65, 5+6 (45, RR)
    Jana 65, —
    Tom S. 135, 6+0 (65, P-PU)
    Ron 235, 4+7 (95, B-PU)

    John W 300, 7+3 Rx (beat 1st attempt by 1!)
    Kev 300, 5+3 Rx
    Nikki 165 (across), 7+11 Rx
    Tiana 205, 6+3 Rx
    Natalie 145 4+5 (80, G+B PU)
    Joel 165, 7+0 (95, G PU)
    Emily 95, 6+3 (60, G+B PU)
    Chloe 140, 5+4 (75, Jumping C2B)

    Tommy 195, 6+2 (125)
    AJ 170, 6+0 (110)
    Jerry 165, 5+6 (G+MM, 95)
    Dani 155, 5+5 (80)
    Sabol 300, 6+5 (C2B, 165)
    Craig 255, 6+1 Rx
    Mark F. 205, 6 (C2B, 125)
    Kehl 225, 6 (C2B, 155)
    Chase 225, 7+5 (C2B 140)
    Tom R 185, 6+5 (C2B, 135)
    Killa 205, 6+10 Rx

    Mel 85, 5 (45, P+2xMM)
    Laurie 135, 6+2 (65, C2B)
    Nick 185, 7+3 (115, C2B)
    Dan F. 215, 4 (135, DC Pullups)
    Justin 215, 5+2 (155, C2B)
    Phil 315, 5+7 Rx

    Great job to all today, lots of squats to full depth which is awesome to see! If you were in the 5:30 class, check your power clean weight, I had to post them from memory.

    1. Laurie

      Shout out to Tanner. Hey buddy, welcome back! Looks like you had some great company at 9:30. Those are some HUGE numbers!

  2. Jimbo

    Hey John, decided to try the 21-15-9 empty bar thrusters with burpees for a warm-up. It wasn’t fun. Already did heavy squats yesterday so I only did the 5 min AMRAP after the warm-up. I did hang cleans by accident with the pull-ups. I made it through 5 rounds. Day off tomorrow for sure.

  3. Scott

    O’Neill’s garage
    Barb 115, 6+0 (75, PU)
    Scott 215, 7+1 (135, C2B)

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