Daily WOD – Mar 23, 2016

Complete a 400m run every 3 minutes for 30 minutes.

WOD Notes:  This is a fantastic conditioning WOD!  The 3 minute pace is designed for someone who will be able to consistently run a sub 2 minute 400.  For anyone who doesn’t love the idea of 10 intervals, we can always drop it to every 4 minutes for 7 rounds or even every 5 minutes for 6 rounds.  The goal is to hit some serious interval conditioning over the course of about 30 minutes.  Rowing is an option for anyone that can’t run.


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  1. A Nonymous

    Gee, I hope there’s room in the classes tomorrow if I sign up late. . . *checks the list* Oh, it must be cherry picking season.

  2. #runnersworld

    I joined a running group about a year ago. We meet at the Phoenixville High School track every 15-18 months if anyone is interested.

  3. Cherry Picker

    Coach your better off saying Blackout, to keep class attendance up.

    1. Kehl


      1. Pugh

        Kehl, will we see you their tonight? If not they’re will be hell to pay.

      2. Sidlo

        I two noticed the grammatical error. Your a good man for pointing it out

      3. Kehl

        I will be there.

    2. Kehl

      I’ll be there.
      Eye’ll bee their
      Aisle b they’re.
      Isle be thair.

  4. Nikki

    ICA has no room for cherry pickers! Don’t disappoint me!

  5. Kenny

    3 rounds of 10 min?

  6. Jeff Collins

    Crap, I always have to cancel on a “cherry picking” day. Anyone wanna do this at 4:30 tomorrow with me?

    1. Nikki

      Jeff I would be game, but I may not be able to make 4:30. Are you flexible to start a little later, like 5:00?

      1. Jeff Collins

        Nikki, I can do that. (now I know I’ll get all 10 in in under 3 minutes or die….) Thanks!

  7. Tim C

    Can I bring my stunt double?? He’s a little taller, a lot faster but the last name is the same…

    1. Nikki


  8. I2Run

    To all the cherry pickets, you missed a beautiful night of running.

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