Daily WOD – Jun 7, 2013


Complete 21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Back Squat (50% of your 1RM)
  • KB Swings (70/53#)

WOD Notes: The back squats need to come off the floor, so you’ll lift 50% of your 1RM or whatever weight you can safely clean, press, and place on your back… whichever is lighter!


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ginger

    From Crossfit Ruination – Aliso Viejo CA

    Worked on form: Snatch #73 and clean and jerk #83. (They have girl bars, 33# thinner bars)

    WOD: Row 500 then 3 reps of push press #45 and 20″ box jumps then run 400m for time
    Time: 10:04

    Their box actually did crossfit total today (go figure) so made this wod up for me since we did it Wednesday. Awesome people!!!

  2. Ben

    I love checking out the “about us” for CrossFit boxes.
    From CrossFit Ruination:
    For something new to be born, something old must be destroyed. Razed. Ruined.

    Legend speaks of a place where men and women of flesh are remade of stone and fire. Pools of sweat are mixed with blood. Warriors bind their wounds and carry on through clouds of chalk. Undaunted, they march headlong into the razor toothed jaws of pain. Those who rise from the rubble emerge changed. Stronger. Better.

    Welcome to Ruination.

    Your muscles will rail against the apparatus, your lungs burning for air. Your bones will strain beneath the weight of rubber and iron. But your will, tempered, must be stronger than both. The death rattles of your peers will sound around you in shouts for time as they collapse to the floor. But you must press on, inviting agony and total exhaustion.

    Here, our strength begins with Ruination.

  3. Ginger

    It was 3 reps of 10 each : )

  4. ICA admin

    Marissa 5:37 (65, 35)
    Jenn 8:59 (100)
    Nate 8:34 (125, 53)
    Brandy 7:04 (55, 26)
    Hilary 7:03 (70, 44)
    Jon 8:03 (44, 45)
    Em 6:35 (45 to 18″, 35)
    Paul 7:51 (105, 53)
    Sara R. 6:33 (82)
    Lindsey 7:19 (90)

    Katie L. 7:03 (55, 44)
    Tanner 6:50 (165)
    Tom S. 8:20 (100, 53)
    Jackie T. 4:57 (75, 35)
    Scott 9:30 (150, 53)
    Rey 7:15 (145)
    Jocelyn 5:50 (45, 35)
    Moira 6:12 (35, 15)

    Robbie 5:34 (90, 53)
    Fili 6:40 (155, 53)
    Ben 4:52 (135, 53)
    Colleen 5:58 (65, 35)
    Matt C. 9:04 (170)
    Rick 7:13 (120, 53)
    Jimbo 8:39 (150)

    Joel 8:28 (105, 70 Rus)
    T 4:05 (100, 35)
    Jess 6:03 (70, 44)
    Kerri 6:23 (55, 35)
    Stuart 8:15 (90, 44, squat ROM)
    Anthony 6:40 (100, 53)
    Pugh 5:05 (135, 70)
    Gunter 5:57 (95, 53)
    Sajan 7:00 (105, 70 KB ROM)
    John 7:00 (165, 70 vest)

    Jerry 9:52 (125, 53 last 9 95, 44)
    MJ, 9:03 (105, 53)
    Nikki K. 6:25 (65, 35)
    Kelly 5:10 (65, 35)
    Nikki W. 6:04 (95, 35)
    Peg 8:10 (50, 35)
    Hoagie 8:42 (130, 70)
    Killa 3:47 (65)
    Kev 5:07 (95, 70)

  5. Killa

    Chase 5:17 (135)
    Evan 3:40 (95,35)
    Todd 6:45 (85,44)
    Angie 5:45 (45,26)
    Chamberlain 8:04 (150)
    Peter 5:34 (65,35)
    James 8:48 (245)

    Awesome work today everyone, everyone sub 10!

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