Daily WOD – Jun 21, 2023

Brittany crushing KB swings!

Workout of the Day

Deficit Deadlift (2-4″) 3-3-3-3-3-3

Then alternating EMOM for 10 minutes:

  • 10 good mornings (35% 3RM deadlift)
  • 10 step-back lunges (35% 3RM deadlift)

WOD Notes: A deficit deadlift means you stand on top of a 25 or 45# plate and reach lower than you normally would to start the lift. For most lifters, this will make it slightly harder to move weight. For some others, this will actually feel more natural. Either way, you get to work on range of motion and brute strength today! If you know your 1RM deadlift, start around 60-65% and work up to a heavy 3… depending on the person it may be in the 80-90% range.

Community Notes: Happy Birthday Coach Steve!


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