Daily WOD – Jun 20, 2023

Keith crushing his T2Bs!

Workout of the Day

On a 15 minute clock, complete:

  • 120/90 cal row (or bike)

In remaining time, complete an ascending ladder of:

  • 1 wall walk
  • 4 thrusters (95/63#)

WOD Notes: The opening row (or bike) should take somewhere in the 5-8 minute range. Aim for 4-5 steps per wall walk; if it takes you more than this, go for partial wall walks (i.e., 4 steps). Other modifications include stepping up the wall and holding in place, or inchworms. For the thrusters, pick a weight where you can complete 15 reps unbroken when fresh… in the workout try to get through the set of 8 or even 12 unbroken!


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