Daily WOD – Jul 8, 2023

Alex powering through the run!

Workout of the Day


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 21 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
  • 12 pull ups

Time cap: 15 min

Then EMOM for 8 minutes:

  • X toes to bar

WOD Notes: Helen is a benchmark workout that we perform once a year, most recently on 7/10/22. It should be fast! Pick modifications that allow you to spend no more than 2 minutes per run, 1 minute per set of KBS, and 1 minute for pull ups. After a brief cool down, we’ll do some toe-to-bar skill work. Every minute for 8 minutes, complete a set of TTB, ideally unbroken. Pick the number that’s right for you!


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