Daily WOD – Jul 31, 2023

Quinn powering through slam balls in youth strength & speed!

Workout of the Day

Complete 5 rounds for max reps of:

  • 1 minute row or bike (for calories)
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute burpee pull-ups
  • 1 minute rest

WOD Notes: If you’re going for Rx today, choose a pull-up bar that is ~6″ above your reach. Obviously we have a finite number of pull-up bar options, so pick the best fit. As long as you have to jump to reach the bar it can count as Rx! In large classes, folks can partner up and share a bike/rower and pull-up bar if desired, one starting on the row/bike and the other starting on the burpees.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Bethanie S!


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