Daily WOD – Jul 30, 2023

Whitney setting her Farmer’s carry PR while encouraging the teen crew!

Workout of the Day

Sumo deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3

Then complete 3 rounds NFT of:

  • 20 banded box steps ups (20/16″)
  • 20 single-arm, opposite leg kettlebell deadlifts (10R/10L)

WOD Notes: For the sumo deadlifts, start around 65% and work up to a heavy set of 3 in the 85% range. In Part 2, for the banded box steps ups, most athletes will use a purple or green band depending on your height and strength. Be sure to drive through your heel and squeeze your glutes at the top! For the KB deadlifts, use a weight at least 1 step down from what you typically swing.


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