Daily WOD – Jan 9, 2020

Tyler showing how to get back on a toe to bar!

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 25 burpees
  • 10 thrusters (115/75#)

Cash out – for time:

  • 10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 double unders (unbroken)

WOD Notes: The first part of the WOD (burpee/thruster) is supposed to be fast and furious! Pick a thruster weight that allows you to go unbroken. The cash out is your opportunity to work on double unders. You must complete each set upbroken before moving on to the next set. If you’re just learning DUs, scale back the reps to any multiple of 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1, or simply take 10 minutes to work on DUs.

P3 Notes: There are still 6 “grab and go” meals in the back fridge if anyone is looking to try out P3 meals. You simply help yourself and Venmo your payment to the address listed on the fridge.Β  (Ask Nikki or John if you need help.) Also, orders for next week are due by Thursday!


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ricky

    KTS 7:19 (73)
    Faith 5:55 (65 FS, 20 slam)
    Missy 8:38 (70)
    Danielle 11:10 (65)
    Jenn P. 9:08 (60)
    Ryan Mc. πŸ™‚
    Rich 11:58 (95)
    Murray πŸ™‚
    Jen C. 55
    Jim 10:20 (75, 20 slam @30)
    Alex W. πŸ™‚
    Tyler 9:25 (85)
    Hannah S. 13:00 (55)
    Jesse St. πŸ™‚
    Kelly G. 7:21 (65)
    Mike D. πŸ™‚
    DE 7:13 Rx
    Jenn T. Fitness Rx
    Vince 8:53 (75)
    Sabrina 7:35 Rx
    Craig 8:32 (95)

  2. Ricky

    John C. 12:15 (85)
    Ken 11:24 (65, 20 slam)
    Cara πŸ™‚
    Marissa 9:19 (20 DB, 20 slam)
    KTN 7:55 (75 FS)
    Fredi 11:37 (75, 1 round burpees, 2 round slam)
    Mitch πŸ™‚
    Emily 10:03 (55)
    Bob Kr. 13:55 (65, 2 rounds)

  3. Ricky

    Tanya 9:50 Rx, 8:59 cash out
    Maggie 12:45 (55, 20 slam), 30 consecutive SUs
    Kelly K. 11:40 (65)
    Luke L. {Live from California!} 7:11 (95)
    Eric B. 10:36 Rx
    Paul 13:47 (85)
    Betsy 11:46 (65 FS, 5×25 jump squat w/16#)
    Gisela 12:05 (15 DB)
    Greg 14:33 (75, 20 burpees/round)

  4. Nik

    Lindsay 10:24 (squat thrust, 45#)
    Haven 10:45 (45#)
    Janet πŸ™‚ (65#)
    Tracy 9:21 (35#) 1st DU! (3×1)
    Tim 9:09 (85#)
    Yuvika 11:07 (35#)
    Megan V 8:04 (65#)
    Jimena 9:45 (55#, 60 burpees)
    Swetha 12:08 (95#) 1st DU!
    Heather 8:02 Rx
    Zoe 8:41 (6# DBs) 2 DUs!
    Rocco 8:58 (95#), 8:28
    Ray Z 10:47 (95#)
    Traci 10:12 (65 squat thrust, 35#)
    Rob R 10:30 (30# slam, 25# DBs)
    Whitney 6:23 (20# slam, 15# DBs)
    Alexa 6:11 (20# slam, 20# DBs)
    Kirsten 8:58 (30# slam, 55#)
    Ed πŸ™‚

  5. Heather Stem

    Vollmer 10:27 Rx, 4:00 (all UB)
    Abby 7:46 scale burpees
    Nik 7:05 Rx, 4:40
    Amanda 9:01 55#
    Bre P. 10:35 55#
    Kevin 9:04, 95#
    Mila πŸ™‚ (15# DB)
    Nick 8:04 95#
    Sillup 9:30Rx, 7:41
    Ryan B 10:00 (30# DB)
    Shawn C 10:12, 80#, 10DU work
    Robbie 7:35Rx, 6ish

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