Workout of the Day
On a 3 minute clock, complete:
- 16/12 cal (bike or row)
- 8 power clean (155/105#)
- Max wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
WOD Notes: This is an interval-style workout with built in rest. That means, each round is a sprint! Aim to finish the row/bike and power cleans by the 2-minute mark so you have a full minute for wall balls. Modify distance/reps/weight as needed to accomplish this! (If you finish the row/bike and power cleans in less than 80 seconds, consider adding 4 cals + 2 cleans to the next round, or be okay with lots of wall balls!) Score = total number of wall balls completed.