With a partner complete 5 rounds for time of:
- 40 KB swings (53/35#)
- 40 Burpees
- 40/30 Cal row
WOD Notes: The reps in this workout may be broken any way you like but movements must be completed in order. Only one athlete working at a time.
Power Meet Notes: A sign up sheet for the meet will be on the desk in the morning. On the sheet, you’ll have a spot to put your opening weight for each lift (usually about 90% of your 1RM). You ARE allowed to change the opening lift the day of the meet. Sign up by Tuesday!
Snatch high pull + power snatch + snatch high pull + snatch (build to a heavy single of the complex.
Power clean + push jerk + split jerk (stay lighter ~60% max jerk and make transitions as fluid as possible)
Complete for time:
- 5 bear complexes (135/85#), 5 bar muscle ups (sub 2xpull ups)
- 4/4
- 3/3
- 2/2
- 1/1
Complete a 250m run before each round.
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Alex W (RKB)
Mike D RX
Mel Z RX
Kelly G RX
Vince L (35 RKB)
Pat Y ( 35 RKB)
Morgan RX
Drake RX
Frank W RX