Workout of the Day
On a 24 minute clock complete:
Minutes 0/4/8/12/16/20: 250m run
Minutes 2/6/10/14/18/22:
- 30 abmat sit ups (rds 1&4)
- 30 alternating toe touches (rds 2&5)
- 60 russian twists (30R/30L, 25/15#, rds 3&6)
WOD Notes: It’s going to be a beautiful day, so let’s get outside and enjoy it! For the run, choose a distance that you can complete in approximately 1 minute (not to exceed 1:15). Target the same for the abwork – aim for 1 minute and don’t exceed 1:15.
Community Notes: Happy birthday Grace G!
Schedule Notes: There will be no 5:30am or 9:30am class today. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you at one of other class times!