Workout of the Day
Complete for time:
- 50 box jumps (24/20″)
- 50 pull-ups
- 50 kettlebell swings (53/35#)
- 50 walking-lunge steps w/ KB (53/35#, 25R/25L)
- 50 push presses (75/55#)
- 50 single leg toes to bar (25R/25L)
- 50 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
- 50 hang power cleans (75/55#)
- 50 double unders
Time cap: 30 minutes
WOD Notes: If you’ve been doing CrossFit for a while, this WOD may look familiar. It’s a chipper-style workout based off “Filthy Fifty,” with a few modifications. As with most chippers, there are lots of reps! Minimize down time by picking modifications that allow you to complete each movement in large sets. When you get to the final two movements, put the pedal to the metal! If possible, line up next to someone you can share a box with; we’ll kick off 2 heats a few minutes apart.